posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 10:20 AM
All kinds of political/economic systems can be made to look good on paper. But as soon as CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS work there way into pivotal positions in
ANY system, failure of that system becomes a possibility.
So far, throughout history, nearly every society has run into that problem.and failed because of it.
This is mainly because those who first institute a system fail to completely safeguard against it.
Proper safeguarding may be possible, in which case many different systems are likely equally viable.
So there needn't be a single, global system.
Within any system there can never be complete, 100% equality between all of the necessary divisions of implementation. To maintain orderly function
there necessarily has to be positions that come with power to wield authority over criminal, disruptively antisocial, truly subversive or "insane"
behavior. And then there needs to be a mechanism to wield authority over those positions and so on.
The problem always come down to accountability and transparency.
When a system has holes in accountability and transparency there will be opportunities for corruption and failure.
So, the first order of business in the implementation of a system has to be ensuring that every action taken...every day...every hour...every minute
if deemed necessary of ANYONE who is in a position of authority must be accounted for and made completely available to EVERYBODY.
It should be understood that any person willing to fill positions of authority must also be willing to do so in the complete open. And compensation
for their service should be commensurate with this sacrifice of privacy.
Call it a Transparentocracy.
Instead of the government turning surveillance on the populace, the populace must have complete surveillance on the government.
And in the case of a system that incorporates profit motive in its economic framework (which leads to a ladder of greater and greater financial
authority to those who perform best) the level of transparency should increase with each step up the ladder. You want to be rich? You have to lead a
more transparent life. The question "if you have nothing to hide then you should have no problem being surveilled...right?" is often asked of the
populace by the authorities today. It should be asked OF the authorities BY the populace.
When I use the words "position of authority" I am not applying it in punitive sense. I mean it as any position in which one is responsible to
AUTHORIZE an action taken by the system or is beyond a certain threshold of economic activity that affects more than a person's private life. The
threshold could be any position with the authority to hire or fire more than 10 people, or the authority to decide on pay scales within a
A "Transparentocracy" therefore would not be controlling the decisions (whereas socialism and communism DOES) but it would ensure that these
decisions are made completely openly by people who have demonstrated (by their level of willingness to lead ever increasingly transparent lives) their
honesty and sincerity.
THESE people would very naturally become role models and be upheld as good citizens instead of what we see today where the corrupt rich control the
media and use it to falsely portray themselves as "the cream of the crop" to be almost worshipped. (This actually started during the Great
Depression when nearly every movie made revolved around characters who lived obscenely opulently and were always shown to be "pillars of society"
when nothing could have been further from the truth)
Schooling would also play an important part by adopting teaching approaches that foster openness and participation.
It shouldn't take a revolution to start a "Transparentocracy". Right now it could start within our own system in the US using legal mechanisms
already in place.
What IS needed would be to make this idea part of public discourse.
Now that we have the shouldn't really be that difficult to spread.
If it catches on, hopefully, the complete structure of a Transparentocracy can be an open source project in order to refine it and build viable
details into it.
There can be blueprints for a Democratic Transparentocracy or a Social Transparentocracy or possibly even a Communal Transparentocracy developed.
Or a blend of any number of philosophical approaches to government.
It's an idea.