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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:35 AM
Bitcoins can't buy anything you say? Well get a load of this... WordPress begins accepting Bitcoin as a payment method. This is huge news in the Bitcoin community. It was only a matter of time before the big players started to get into the Bitcoin game. Imagine how much exposure this will give Bitcoin. If I were an elite banker I would be getting a little bit worried right about now. And if this isn't enough to convince you, check out the Bitcoin electronics super store.

At, our mission is making publishing democratic — accessible and easy for anyone, anywhere. And while anyone can start a free blog here, not everyone can access upgrades (like going ad-free or enabling custom design) because of limits on traditional payment networks.

Today, that changes: you can now buy upgrades with bitcoins.

PayPal alone blocks access from over 60 countries, and many credit card companies have similar restrictions. Some are blocked for political reasons, some because of higher fraud rates, and some for other financial reasons. Whatever the reason, we don’t think an individual blogger from Haiti, Ethiopia, or Kenya should have diminished access to the blogosphere because of payment issues they can’t control. Our goal is to enable people, not block them.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that enables instant payments over the internet. Unlike credit cards and PayPal, Bitcoin has no central authority and no way to lock entire countries out of the network. Merchants who accept Bitcoin payments can do business with anyone.

Pay Another Way: Bitcoin
edit on 16/11/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Thats good news. Its nice to see some of the bigger web players accept bitcoins. Might be the only stable currency left if things carry on like they are...

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Thats good news. Its nice to see some of the bigger web players accept bitcoins. Might be the only stable currency left if things carry on like they are...

lol I don't know if "stable currency" would be the right term to use.

But it's definitely the safest, in terms of being free from Government or banker manipulation.

However, in the long term it is designed to become stable like any other finite commodity, so you're right in that sense.
edit on 16/11/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:06 AM
Looks like Forbes has picked up on this story:

I awoke to incredible news this morning. Leading web publishing service announced that they will begin accepting the nonpolitical cryptographic money Bitcoin as a payment method for various upgrades.

Then I remembered that WordPress is our online publishing platform. It’s also the blog platform for The New York Times, CNN, Reuters, Mashable, NBC Sports, GigaOm, TechCrunch, ELLE Girl, RealClearPolitics, TED, National Football League, General Motors, UPS, eBay, Sony, and Volkswagen.

Not only does this strategic move bring new unserved customers into the WordPress fold, it paves the way for the online publishing platform run by parent company Automattic not to be restricted by the choices of its payment partners. Companies doing business and accepting payments globally are subject to increasing fees and sometimes arbitrary chargebacks which no doubt impact their bottom line. WordPress would probably not even mind if a large chunk of their mainstream payment processing migrated to bitcoin.

What's Your Bitcoin Strategy? WordPress Now Accepts Bitcoin Across The Planet

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:40 AM
Almost got into it last year.
Look like it time to drive in maybe it not to late to get in mining bitcoin

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Trillium
Almost got into it last year.
Look like it time to drive in maybe it not to late to get in mining bitcoin

It's probably pointless to start mining now unless you have some serious computing power. You really should have started last year when it was a bit easier.


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