posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple
As a monthly newsletter editor, I find they are always not-editable and are locked in design. When I started, Id get a PDF sent from a 2nd party and
on to me, making it 3 deep. (Would get a message saying that editing is dis-abled in this PDF)..
It would say to convert it to another format and ENABLED EDITING. Many, many PDF are not editable, and going from that point, its easy to see your
confusion. I used to tear my hair out...until I learneed to paste it into something new, or get a copy of it in editable form.
At this point, we not longer accept PDF's for the newsletter...because they tend to our case at least, that its not only say 3rd
generation...but forwarded farther on the line....and that 1st-original...was not editable.