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posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Exactly right, perfect explanation.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by guitarplayer

Guitar Player,

Everything written in the Revelation regarding the beast, Dragon, satan etc etc etc is all against JESUS because the revelation was written against Jesus as the Messiah. In the Revelatin Jesus is 666

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by dave13
reply to post by guitarplayer

Guitar Player,

Everything written in the Revelation regarding the beast, Dragon, satan etc etc etc is all against JESUS because the revelation was written against Jesus as the Messiah. In the Revelatin Jesus is 666

what do you mean by this?

you have to specify what is objective in reality ( even though it is channeled through you subjective perception and interpretation... you ought to be wishing to align your understanding reality with its objective nature)

so.... Who wrote revelation? for what purpose?

Is the jesus in revelation really good? is jesus really good?

if revelation is written by bad people why believe anything in the bible?

did the writers of the bible not want jesus to be messiah/ not want people to accept jesus as the Messiah?

should jesus be accepted as the messiah?

how come in revelation it speaks of anti christ,, wars of good and evil,,, the son of man,,, and jesus.. specifying that the name jesus and the being jesus in revelation,, is a being of good character and ideals,,, how come you are saying everything written in revelation about jesus is bad,, when there is writing in revelation stating jesus is the son of man, and in heaven, leader and establisher of righteousness?

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:52 PM
what do you mean by this?


JESUS IS GOOD, but in Revelation, he is the fallen Angel who sat next to God. Now he is the opponent to GOD, HE IS SATAN in the eyes of his enemies who crucified him. JESUS in the revelation is no good, as he is the false prophet who brain washed his diciples for 3.5 years, 42 weeks.

Good question, who WROTE the BIBLE? I do know 100% it was not GOD nor JESUS, AS ITS A FACT that nothing forn the new testament is wriiten by JESUS. And also no religion books in this world are older then 2000 years. So they manupulated in all the religions in the world. But they must of HATED JESUS SO MUCH, AS HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER in the world today, you have to understand through JESUS THEY HAD AN ARMY- ROMAN HOLY EMPIRE. CONSTANTINE, who created the XP- SKULL AND BONES-DEATH.

THEY DID NOT WANT PEACE IN THE WORLD, instead they created 3 religions aginst the teaching of JESUS-
-- Christianity, Islam and Judism.

JESUS PREACHED LOVE AND PEACE, LAST 2000 NO LOVE AND PEACE. Just like Nikola tesla with free electricity, after he pushed for free electricity, then they ruined him. World is very evil, nothing has changed, so sick that the Americans bomb their own people fpr dirty politics.9-11.

ALL HERALDRY IS VICTORY SYMBOLS AGAINST JESUS. It's a big secret game to them, and they think they will never get busted. But they have been busted, and VATICAN WILL GO DOWN


They play with words in the revelation, always play with trinity or Two people, like father and Son. You have to understand the people that crucified are lying to everyone that JESUS IS NOT THE MESSIAH, CHRIST , SO THE YMENTION THEIR CHRIST, WHICH IS NOT JESUS. the mark of the beast is getting baptised in the name of JESUS-YESHUA, THIS IS HOW WE WERE SPOUSE TO BE BAPTISED, NOT IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT. tHE WORLD IS SO SICK,
EVEN DRACULA IS JESUS, we are so stupid, we all just shut up and say nothing.

MOST OF THE TEACHING FROM THE CHURCH ARE FROM PAUL, who is a FAKE apostle and a spy aginst JESUS teachings.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by ImaFungi


In the times of Ancient Greeece and Rome it was regarded as a structure consisting of the captured ARMS, FLAGS or other spoils of a DEFEAT ENEMY, hung on a tree, or pillar, of the field of balltle or elsewhere as a memorial of VICTORY- THIS PRACTICE IS STILL BEING PRACTICED TODAY-

Reason the symbols in the Revelation, helraldry, FLAGS and numbers represent the VICTORY over JESUS.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by dave13
reply to post by ImaFungi


In the times of Ancient Greeece and Rome it was regarded as a structure consisting of the captured ARMS, FLAGS or other spoils of a DEFEAT ENEMY, hung on a tree, or pillar, of the field of balltle or elsewhere as a memorial of VICTORY- THIS PRACTICE IS STILL BEING PRACTICED TODAY-

Reason the symbols in the Revelation, helraldry, FLAGS and numbers represent the VICTORY over JESUS.

what will jesus do when he returns?

what is the way the world should be?

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by ImaFungi

Ima Fungi,

All I'm pushing is the truth on how JESUS has been betrayed by the major religions in the world, First of all the -Vatican.

How do I know will JESUS come back, I hope so, but maybe JESUS was just a normal person, a prophet from GOD and will never come back.

We ALL KNOW HOW THE WORLD SHOULD BE, the opposite to what it is now.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by dave13

Hello dave13,

Are you aware the 666 is Jesus is not a new concept?

Are you aware there is a cult that's leader says he is "Jesus Christ - man" and has his members tattoo themselves with 666?

Ahh, sigh,

There really is nothing new under the sun,

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Here's (hopefully) a sensible and germane question:

666 in the original Greek of Revelation 13:18 was: Χ ξ ς

Chi = 600;
Xi = 60; meaning, djed; support; serpent/fish;
Stigma = 6; meaning curse; stick/pole

The Book of Revelation was attributed to St. John.

The symbol of what is now called the "Star of Life", or St. John's Ambulance/Emergency Medical Services is the rune "ior/iar", the symbol of Ea/Enki with the Rod of Asclepius in the forefront (this is a serpent entwined around a pole/staff). The 6-pointed Serpent's Star of Life replaced the sign of the cross in 1977 (77 in Hebrew gematria meaning "Son of Circumcision;Hebrew;to bend, twist; overthrow, ruin) proposed by Leo Schwartz, a member of the Knights of Columbus.

The symbol itself is unmistakably a combination of Χ ξ ς, or 666.

Question: if ambulances save lives, why then is 666 the universal logo of EMS?

edit on 7-12-2012 by Aesir26 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-12-2012 by Aesir26 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Aesir26

First off all I'm ashamed to be part of the Roman Catholic Church, which is fully against Jesus and his teachings and has nothing to do with PETER, WHO THEY CRUCIFIED.

Roman Catholic Church also is a criminal organisation, its worse then cancer, IT COMES TO A COUNTRY AS A SAVIOUR, THEN IT KILLS YOU SLOWLY. You know how much MONEY my country gives to the VATICAN, ITS SO SICK.

So many poor people in this world, and the Vatican, like the politicians steal everything from them. How many Priest like little children and the POPE protects them-SICK. And please don't tell me how great was CONSTANTINE, HOW MANY PEOPLE DID HE KILL, and his fake sign CHI RHO, SKULL AND BONES- DEATH, symbol of skull and bones 322. Constantine used the Christians to kill in there wars,reason they recognised JESUS and then Changed everything that is TRUE. But it didn't start from Constantine but the SPY PAUL, THE FAKE DISCIPLE

Everyone should be Baptised again in the true name of JESUS- Yeshua or Yehoshua, they know JESUS REAL NAME WHICH THEY HID FROM THE WORLD. Its a joke being Christened, not BAPTISED which is a big difference in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to make it even worse to be christened as a baby is so agaisnt Yeshua teachings, you have to be BAPTISED WHEN YOU YOURSELF CAN SAY YES OR NO.

MATHEW 18.3-And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

How can you Christen a child and then state the child has original sin? a CHILD IN THE EYES OF GOD is an ANGEL, BAPTISE MEANS TO SUBMERGE, EVEN THIS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH RUINED THIS. Now CATHOLICS like me just have abit of water sprayed on your forehead when we were babies BABIES.

And reason for all this is that the HOLY ROMAN CHURCH, THE ROMAN EMPIRE RULED THE WORLD, and they are the ones with the CROOK PRIEST that wrote the REVELATION against the Yeshua as the MESSIAH, 666 IS JESUS, MARK OF THE BEAST IS BEING BAPTISED IN YESHUA NAME.

The Catholic church nevers mentions MESSIAH, JUST CHRIST, and now Christ has become a name, like Christen, Christina, Chris. What a big JOKE TO YESHUA.

Mathew 16.12- Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Worse part is how we CATHOLICS SACRIFCE JESUS AS AN ANIMAL EVERY MASS, LIKE THE HEBREWS USED TO FOR THEIR SIN OFFERINGS TO GOD, and also Passover you have to Sacrivice a LAMB TO GOD. this has nothing to do with JESUS.

John 6-26 -THE BREAD OF LIFE. -This has nothing to do with BREAD that I used to take in a Catholic mass.This bread is the teaching of Yeshua,as the MESSIAH AND ACCEPTING HIM and his teachings. Nothing to do with the SACRFICE THAT OUR CATHOLIC CHURCH PRACTICES.

I feel sorry for all the Jews who are still waiting for the MESSIAH, one day they will know the truth that Yeshua is the LONG AWAITED MESSIAH THEY HAVE BEEN WATING FOR.

Just imagine how many Hebrew-Jewish followers of were killed in 70ad, just like the followers were killed in Rome 64ad,

Destruction of Jerusalem 1,100,000 Jews were killed and 97,000 taken into slavery and captivity.

Another apparent result of the demise of Judaism and their historic Temple was a growing rift between what was left of the Jewish faith, including the early Jewish Christians, and the now dominant Gentile community of believers.


The non-Jewish Christians must have found themselves in a dangerous and difficult position as a result of the Jewish revolt against Rome. First, there is the obvious problem of their suddenly being cut off from the Mother Church of Jerusalem by its extinction after AD 70.

The possible causes of death of each of the Twelve Apostles:

Andrew: Martyrdom by crucifixion (bound, not nailed, to a cross).1
Bartholomew (Often identified with Nathaniel in the New Testament): Martyrdom by being either 1. Beheaded, or 2. Flayed alive and crucified, head downward.1
James the Greater: Martyrdom by being beheaded1 or stabbed2 with a sword.
James the Lesser: Martyrdom by being thrown from a pinnacle of the Temple at Jerusalem , then stoned and beaten with clubs.2
John: Died of old age.1
Jude (Often identified with Thaddeus in the New Testament): Martyrdom by being beaten to death with a club.2
Judas: Suicide.1
Matthew: Martyrdom by being burned, stoned, or beheaded.1
Peter: Martyrdom by crucifixion at Rome with his head downwards.1
Philip: Martyrdom.2
Simon: Martyrdom by crucifixion.1 or being sawn in half.2
Thomas: Martyrdom by being stabbed with a spear.2

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by godlover25



posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by dave13

Yes, Jesus' name is ישוע , or an anagram of such, true.
But please, won't someone respond to my original question concerning St. John's Ambulance EMS and 666?

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by dave13

Wisdom is needed here.
Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man.
His number is 666.
Revelation 13:18

Six is the number of man. Man, all "boxed" up in his limited understanding of up, down, north, south, east amd west. Man is represented in the construct of "As above so below" the 2 trinities of the Star of David.

The issue is not so much what people call Jesus but what did Jesus want people to call him. His favourite title was “Son of Man”. There are about 88 instances in the Bible where Jesus calls himself that. Read more: How many times bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of God and how many times, God the Son/the second person in trinity? | Answerbag

Jesus called himself the "Son of Man."

Weren't there 3 men on those crosses up on that hill? 666?

edit on 7-12-2012 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by windword

Wind word,

Who wrote the Bible, MAN or GOD, who write's history, the one that wins the war, How many Followers of JESUS were killed in Rome and JERUSALEM between 64AD -TO 70AD,

How many priest were killed who did not agree wIth the church Councils??? this just goes on and on.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by dave13
reply to post by windword

Wind word,

Who wrote the Bible, MAN or GOD,


who write's history,


the one that wins the war,


How many Followers of JESUS were killed in Rome and JERUSALEM between 64AD -TO 70AD,

I don't know, but Josephus wrote that 6000 Hebrews were crucified on the mountains just outside Jerusalem, during the Jewish Wars. He wrote the 1000's of crosses looked like forests of death.

How many priest were killed who did not agree wIth the church Councils??? this just goes on and on.

What's your point?

edit on 11-12-2012 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by windword


the point is that it was very easy to manipulate mankind and very easy to write the Revelation against Jesus, I have noticed not many people believe that 666 is JESUS. If the truth comes out how Jesus is the beast, then maybe the truth would come out regarding Jesus. They looked upon us as idiots for the last 2000 years, the clues are all around us, you just have to put them together, Just look at the old Catherdrals, they are all symbols of a big grave yard, not a place of worship, all the numbers are connected with Revelation. When I was in Toledo in Spain, visted the Catherdral, the old keys on the Alter to open the TABERNACLE where the wine and bread is had number 13 engraved on it. As said before Jesus is also 13, reason for Friday 13th.

Its like how the Catholic church lies how it worships MARY BUT INFACT IT WORSHIPS the women in chapter 12 which is the chosen people who run this world.

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