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why texas feels the way they do...

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posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 11:39 AM
I can’t blame Taxes, I was not born here but I live here now, and it’s one best places I’ve lived.
Many feel Obama and democrats is screwing Texas!

Most people in the south are republicans…why you ask. It’s not that we like the republican party, we hate them too. We just hate the democratic party more. Nobody here votes for who they want in office, they just vote against who they don’t want. You think people in south really wanted Romany, nope! We just like Obama less.
A lot people in red in the states have good reason not to like Obama, and it has nothing to do with skin color. Texas is great example, you know I wish Texas could secede, but I think we all know there’s not a snowball change in hell of that really happen. But a lot people here are frustrated with current politics. The South as always been right to work states, if you never lived and work in one, it’s hard to understand why it has serviced us well. When most the USA’s housing marketing was going to crap, Texas was not. Texas has a lot of and gas industry, and a lot of state laws and tax breaks to help these industries. These industries in turn create many jobs here. The evil industrialists that democrats hate are keeping the economy booming here. We have no union constantly wanting more and more from them, and in turn we do get a lot back from industry. My company gives me quite a few benefits and I never paid a union due. The places that are screwing Americans out of benefits is the consumer based companies. Places like Wal-Mart, McDonalds, restaurants and all those stores in strip malls that everybody loves sooo much.
In the northern states unions and politics have pushed and pushed industry away from doing business with them, and now its complete mess. It all a consumer a bases market, that’s way you can’t find a good job there. States like Texas are trying like hell to hold on their industry and get downright annoyed when politics is trying to make a mess of things. We don’t want to be like the northern or eastern states. We want our factories and oil and gas industry, we don’t think there evil. We think Wal-Mart is evil. We hate when laws are passed that bites the hands that feeds us. A lot people in red states think blue states are moochers, and why shouldn’t they feel that way.
Many have of blue states have lost their industry, and now are all consumer based. The 99%-ers are annoyed they can find good jobs, it because 99% of jobs are low paying Wal-marts and McDonalds jobs. So they turn to the government and politics for help. The government then puts laws into place that rob from peter to pay paul. If you peter, you’re annoyed. Then at some point you get really annoyed when you start seeing laws that’s just ridiculous. You can’t pay your cell phone bill…theirs a government plan for you. Peter is constantly being robbed to point where is going broke paying dumb things like Paul’s cell phone bill.
And many people can say what want about us stupid red started, but if look up how we feel about the welfare and which states has the highest percentages of welfare by population you might be surprised at what you see.
1. California - % of pop. On assistance: 3.3% (blue state)
2. Maine - % of pop. On assistance: 2.37% (blue state)
3. Tennessee - % of pop. On assistance: 2.15% (red state)
4. Massachusetts - % of pop. On assistance: 2.09% (blue state)
5. Vermont - % of pop. On assistance: 2.02% (blue state)
6. D.C. - % of pop. On assistance: 1.99% (blue state)
7. New York - % of pop. On assistance: 1.92% (blue state)
8. Minnesota - % of pop. On assistance: 1.88% (blue state)
9. Washington - % of pop. On assistance: 1.86% (blue state)
10. New Mexico - % of pop. On assistance: 1.83% (blue state) once a red state.
11. Indiana % of pop. On assistance: 1.83% (blue state)
12. Rhode Island - % of pop. On assistance: 1.79% (blue state)
13. Michigan - % of pop. On assistance: 1.65% (blue state)
14. Pennsylvania - % of pop. On assistance: 1.60% (blue state)
15. Oregon - % of pop. On assistance: 1.55% (blue state)
So where does numbers come from, not FOX, one of the democrats fav…CNBC
Link here…
The fact is most Red states are doing everything they can to prevent becoming a blue state.
So does Texas have a poverty problem, hell yeah!!!
Texas biggest poverty issues are with flood of immigrants crossing the broader. We don’t know what to do with them all. Of course any time an attempt is made to tighten up the board it’s shut down. Any federal afford gets shuts down, and state afford end up getting heat from special interest groups and just about everybody. I think there about 2,000 laws now passed by people outside of Texas to protect the immigrants. I personally have nothing against someone wanting a better life, but we just don’t have a job market to support the large number of unskilled workers coming from across the border. Due that we end up with a high poverty level, but because immigrants aren’t legal they can’t just go apply for welfare, and non-immigrants are working. So we end up with high poverty with low welfare numbers. Yet Texas hands are tied to anything about it. Obama is trying now to stop deportation. It’s crazy. What are supposed to do with all the immigrants?

So what you do you think, how do expect Texans to feel, maybe like the government is against you.

edit on 15-11-2012 by Tbrooks76 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2012 by Tbrooks76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Tbrooks76

I am from one of the blue states on your list and I totally agree with you.
Actually thinking about moving to Texas, or will it be Tejas by then?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:10 PM
When was this list made 2009? I'm asking that because all the numbers they give ends in 2009. Here's a more up to date list.

# 1 California: 1,085,627
# 2 New York: 341,004
# 3 Texas: 333,435
# 4 Pennsylvania: 207,429
# 5 Michigan: 202,469
# 6 Ohio: 188,108
# 7 Tennessee: 180,466
# 8 Washington: 140,721
# 9 Indiana: 140,571
# 10 Georgia: 132,003
# 11 Florida: 119,080
# 12 Arizona: 111,334
# 13 Missouri: 108,561
# 14 Massachusetts: 108,469
# 15 New Jersey: 101,854

But in the end the red states benefit more from the government than blue states.
Welfare Caseloads > Total recipients (most recent) by state

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Tbrooks76

Um just to let you know, your numbers are obviously "inaccurate" as Indiana has been known as a very conservative state for ever, it went blue in 08 because Obama was a better option than Mccain, this time, Romne got 70% of Indiana's votes.

Which just leads me to question the rest of your numbers as well.

Also, your very broken grammar and "wall of text" writing style made it impossible to read your entire OP, so I just skimmed it, if you covered this already, please dismiss this post.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

I agree with one thing you said, my grammer does suck. Of course if was anything important I would probable pay more attention.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by buster2010

of course these numbers are different, you they are looking at totals and not by percent. Which is a unfair comparsion, naturallyTexas would have a larger total then New Mexico based on population alone.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
When was this list made 2009? I'm asking that because all the numbers they give ends in 2009. Here's a more up to date list.

# 1 California: 1,085,627
# 2 New York: 341,004
# 3 Texas: 333,435
# 4 Pennsylvania: 207,429
# 5 Michigan: 202,469
# 6 Ohio: 188,108
# 7 Tennessee: 180,466
# 8 Washington: 140,721
# 9 Indiana: 140,571
# 10 Georgia: 132,003
# 11 Florida: 119,080
# 12 Arizona: 111,334
# 13 Missouri: 108,561
# 14 Massachusetts: 108,469
# 15 New Jersey: 101,854

But in the end the red states benefit more from the government than blue states.
Welfare Caseloads > Total recipients (most recent) by state

here's better why to show what I mean by using percents...
Using your numbers above..
new york population about 8 million, and your number for them was...341,004
Texas population about 25.5 million and your number for them .... 333,435

4 times as many people as compaired to New York, and yet Texas is still using less Government money.

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