posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:02 PM
I thought ATS would be the best place to ask for input, advice or personal experiences to assist in leaving the US to live in the UK. My partner is a
British citizen and he owns a small biz here in the south - providing products for companies here and abroad. Unfortunately I am pretty much disabled
and have not been able to pull my weight for 3 years, resulting in a decrease of sales and revenue has become a week to week stipend, with the economy
& our sales plumuting.
We also have a toddler and absolutely no family that could help if we fall flat on our face! Well, there is my disabled mom who has a room available
in her small apartment in a town with 1 red light. One caveat that could be a perk or peril - the GA/FL coast is 45 mins away. Our business can be ran
from anywhere. Assuming it will pick up after our legislatures manage a decision on the budgets OR NOT.
That brings me to another con so to speak. If things hit the fan and there are massive earth changes it may be that we are going from the pot to the
frying pan. We have a wonderful blessing of a 4 year old; who chose her 40++ parents of a 20 year old, 21 year old, 22 year old and 14 year old. One
of the oldest children are mine the youngest is my partner who has partial custody. Leaving our main focus on doing what is best for the youngest. But
what is the best, that is where I am faultering.
As far as support, it is a no brainer to jump the pond so to speak and seek a brighter future. This is where my pros begin. I would be able to gain a
solution to remedy my disabillities, give the 4 year old cousins that are her age and being surrounded by many brother and sister-in laws. Who are all
just a phone call away when in need. Of course our children are living there own lives and we do not want to interrupt their personal paths.
Now we are back to where I am....not sure what is best as far as quality of life. I know we can't predict the future but I am skeptical of things -
especially many forums that are covered here. This is why I thought I would share my delima hoping that with all things ATS; is the UK a better place
in creating a healthier (food/meds/support) path in escaping the US or is the US not that bad and need to adjust my attitude not the path.
Thanks in advance for reading!