posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 07:55 PM
It is inevitable. One day there will be a world leader. A single person that the entire world looks to for guidance. What will they be like? What
power do they have? What are their responsibilities? I have thought about this for a long time and I believe I have found a good idea. What do you
think? Should we have one? Will we?
Since I was a child I have always had this instinctive drive to protect, to build, and guide. I've thought many times how great a responsibility it
would be to guide the world toward a better future. But where wouod you set the boundaries?
I think the key is to start simple. Follow natural laws. Reduce the negative human impacts upon his home. Im not a tree hugging liberal but I do
acknowledge that we humans are ruining our world. And I think its time we give ourselves a facelift.
Our technology is naturally bringing us together to become one unified mind. I think ultimately perhaps millions of years from now we will through
the use of technology actually achieve a single mind. But we have to start small.
If I were Hegemon I would bring all of our resources and all of our scientists together to resolve good clean energy. And the technology would be
free. It would be ours as humans, not the property of big businesses. Sure they could manufacture the tools but we would make sure it was cheap and
easy to attain.
I would assemble a team of linguists and computer scientists to develop, based on the worlds most widely used and easiest words to pronounce, a
secondary language for every person to learn. It would be simple and rudimentary.
I would create better conversation efforts around the globe and fight global warming.
I would not bring world peace. My goal would not be to interfere with nations, but to help guide them and offer solutions. I don't believe in
stopping two from fighting for something they believe in, because we all have a right to. I would however protect those who are innocent and do not
wish to fight.
I would not end world hunger. I believe nature had it right: if you cannot intellectually or physically thrive then you are not capable of continuing
in the future. I do believe in helping those nations develop their own way of feeding their people through new technologies and smarter agricultural
practices. You have to teach a man to fish, you cannot feed the world; nor is it ethical.
I would fight diseases and improve the overall health of the world by lowering the cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals. I would urge large food
organizations to produce healthy products and lower fattening foods. I wouod fight the idea of insurance and place the responsibility of insuring on
to the government. There would be regulations set in place to ensure the countries are giving great healthcare so that everyone can get yearly
As a Hegemon I would fight crimes against humanity and human trafficking. I would not dictate how each nation should govern themselves weather it be
by democracy or communism. I would however facilitate their peoples wants to their government and help them achieve harmony.
I would do all of this for free, while receiving no pay or benefits. Just a warm meal from welcoming homes.