posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 09:57 PM
If the government wanted to have some sort of "secret" base, wouldnt it be quite obvious that there was a lot of suspicious activity going on in the
middle of nowhere? With satelite photos you can take a snapshot of anywhere in the world now. If the government, or another military company wanted
to set up a secret facility wouldnt it be best to do it in the city, say in some building, or underneath a city as was the case in resident evil?
Think about it, if you see people dressed in suits going into what appears to be an upscale banking office building everyday, youd not think twice
about what they did, but if it was someone in a suit going to work in an unmarked sedan everyday in the middle of the desert you'd pay a little more
attention. Now for aircraft testing facilities, those im pretty sure you would need to do someplace where you have a lot of space, and I dont know if
you could have some really long underground runway. So what I'm really saying, is that government facilities are probably right under our noses,
were just not aware of it...yet.