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UNITED States of America - a time to heal

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posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 06:49 AM
Lately, after the elections, I came across many republicans that I know behaving strangely. It seems they hate fellow americans and humans, and even more strange - their own fellow republicans.

I saw them on the streets, on the roads, in malls, in cafes, in the subways, etc, and they are often quick to anger, to push and shove, and show their frustrations very easily and quickly, than before.

It is my hope that it is only the result of their election lost, something many will get over. I hope so. More so after this form of new election style where citizens are bombarded by negative adverts, real or imagined, 24/7 and wreck our minds.

Some say time will heal. While true, it is often the time taken itself that is an unknown, and if it takes too long, much harm may come from it.

Let not the history of the civil war repeat itself, whereby not all, but some foolish yankees were gloating over rebs. Some dejected rebs got over it and contributed to the united nation, but others bore that grudge deeply, and had taught their innocent next generations to hate till today.

Both Democrats and Republicans must understand that despite all our differences, we all DO share COMMON goals in life, such as peace, justice, equality, shared prosperity, responsible freedom and progress, regardless if we are white or black, rich or poor, religious or atheists, etc, etc.

The difference in politics by the 2 different parties lay only in their approach to achieving those common goals.

Today, the republicans had lost, but they should rejoice that firstly, it is not forever, only 4 years, and secondly more critically, it offered the chance for the party and faithfuls to realize that there had been errors in their party that had caused an electorate landslide for the democrats to lead the nation, and republicans still do have the ability to correct mistakes made and prepare well to lead the nation back in 4 years time, if they prove themselves worthy.

Equally, the democrats must not be complacent, or ignore the needs of the republicans in their moment of victory. The nation belongs to all, for all have a stake to progress and evolve the nation to greater heights, making full use of the democracy that the founding fathers had created for all american generations, and even the world.

Let not the blood and sacrifices of our forefathers to be united as one people be in vain, their courage and beliefs that had let generations to know peace and progress for 2 centuries in our tumoultous world.

In the words of the President - 'We are not blue states or red states, BUT THE UNITED STATES!!'

The time to heal must begin. It begins with you and me, to our families, relatives, friends, community and responsible religious leaders and to elected officials, sharing common goals in life despite our differences, to progress and evolve to greater heights that USA is fully capable of as proven by our forefathers.


posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 07:55 AM
I have wee questions for the winners of the election.

In 2008 the left won.
In 2012 the left won.

Yet in 2008 and the years afterwards, the politicians and supporters never claimed ownership for all the ills that befell America.

They blamed Bush and the right.

So now we're in 2012.

You won. Again.

Will the left and their followers claim ownership for policy failures this time?

Will the left finally say, "our policies don't work", if they fail?

Will we see leftists and progressives apologising and accepting conservative values if the next 4 years aren't rosey?

Or will they still, despite their "win" blame everything on everyone else?
edit on 11-11-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Will the left and their followers claim ownership for policy failures this time?

Nah, they are going to say the damage from the administration prior to Obama's has so screwed up the country, they will need another four years to fix them.

Almost like asking for an extension on a term paper

But to present the other side of the coin, sometimes four years is truely not enough time to fix past mistakes, not even including the new ones that were made

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
reply to post by beezzer

Will the left and their followers claim ownership for policy failures this time?

Nah, they are going to say the damage from the administration prior to Obama's has so screwed up the country, they will need another four years to fix them.

Almost like asking for an extension on a term paper

But to present the other side of the coin, sometimes four years is truely not enough time to fix past mistakes, not even including the new ones that were made

I didn't expect the end to all the problems but I at least expected things not to get worse!

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I didn't expect the end to all the problems but I at least expected things not to get worse!

Quite true my friend.

We can only hope right...The people have voted and put their trust in the Obama administration. Lets hope their decision will be justified.

The following phrase comes to mind:

The night is always darkest before the dawn

I certainly hope that the above holds true in this instance and perpetual night does not descend on the American people.
edit on 11-11-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by MDDoxs

The night is always darkest before the dawn

I certainly hope that the above holds true in this instance and perpetual night does not descend on the American people.
edit on 11-11-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

It doesn't. America is not a monarchy or a dictatorship. Your votes count, and at the worst done by any in power, an american still have that precious freedom to voice out, peacefully and factually, to ensure that concerns if warranted be looked into.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

It is my hope that it is only the result of their election lost, something many will get over. I hope so.

That all depends on this administration seeker.
A lot of people are not "mad" but confused, myself included.
I do not understand how, if vetted, anyone would have voted for Obama.
Many people just voted for a "good orator".
They took no time to look into his past, to see what type of people he associated with, to try and find out what his values were.
Entirely too many looked to the color of his skin and the (D) for his party, that is all that mattered to them.
I believe that many are not upset that Obama won but that over half of those that voted, voted for a man they did not know.
With all of the media outlets available to us today, America chose to be blinded by charisma instead of doing a little homework.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Both Democrats and Republicans must understand that despite all our differences, we all DO share COMMON goals in life, such as peace, justice, equality, shared prosperity, responsible freedom and progress, regardless if we are white or black, rich or poor, religious or atheists, etc, etc.

The difference in politics by the 2 different parties lay only in their approach to achieving those common goals.

The fact is that the two parties lay their approach in splitting the people who share common goals.

A third party that unites people by their common goals would be a step towards the healing you describe. neither side would ever let that happen.

The present system is DESIGNED and INTENDED to create hate between the two sides for the purpose of control. After you successfully get both sides hating each other you then ask for healing?

Doesn't add up.

When you create enemies by pitting them against each other, you can't be upset when they actually become enemies.
edit on 11-11-2012 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:57 AM
It completely depends on whether or not people can set aside idealism and work toward reality and solution. From what I have seen, I doubt it. I was not happy with the outcome of this election, but I am prepared to live with it. All the people crying in their coffee and declaring the USA a dead country are a substantial part of the problem. You are either part of the answer, or part of the problem. Those declaring it a lost cause are the problem. That attitude does not solve problems.

If we continue to allow gridlock to be an acceptable position...we will get exactly what our stupid asses deserves. Now is not the time to blockade...we must work together toward the goal of prosperity.

I am hopeful for 2016. I think the Extreme social conservatism of the republicans scored them exactly what it should It's my life and my body and I will do with it as I see fit...your "moral majority" position needs to die right now. THIS is why you suck it up and be a man....or...go curl up in a ditch and die...either way is acceptable at this point.

I completely want us to address our financial issues as responsible, intelligent people. You keep your morality...I will choose my own...thank you very much. I am a Libertarian and I have seen a rise of many Faux Libertarians...they are so butthurt on their loss, they are looking to jump ship to the up and coming...soon to be...winner. They are NOT Libertarians...their buttholes are just hurting from the reaming they took and are looking to find a win somewhere. Try ther Constitution party....they have all your social and fiscal issues in hand.

I AM a Libertarian. if you wanna smoke weed and run around your house naked and watch porn...fine. THAT is Libertarianism...if you are not on page with are NOT a shut up and do not hijack our party like the pricks did the Tea party. There is party out there with your kind...embrace it...but do not expect to win...those socially conservative ideals you are so married to are dead...and the party associated with them are dead. Do not drag down the future by clinging to the past.
edit on 11/11/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
I have wee questions for the winners of the election.

In 2008 the left won.
In 2012 the left won.

Yet in 2008 and the years afterwards, the politicians and supporters never claimed ownership for all the ills that befell America.

They blamed Bush and the right.

So now we're in 2012.

You won. Again.

Will the left and their followers claim ownership for policy failures this time?

Will the left finally say, "our policies don't work", if they fail?

Will we see leftists and progressives apologising and accepting conservative values if the next 4 years aren't rosey?

Or will they still, despite their "win" blame everything on everyone else?
edit on 11-11-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

I think this is what the op was trying to avoid.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:11 PM
I think I understand their feelings, even if I don't share them.

I found myself in the same position this year, though I am in France!
Though I have lived here a long time, it hasn' t been that long since I decided to take the nationality and get involved. I did it to vote for Sarcozy.

Where I felt for a long time that America needed an injection of more liberal principles, I felt France was on the opposite end, needing more conservative energy, to balance out. So I first started to feel some adherence to this country under him.

Then the socialists took the presidency this time, with Hollande, and I really see that as a disaster- I mean total suicide..... especially right now. At any other time, I think I wouldn' t be happy, but when you feel like your country is at a critical moment, these choices can touch your survival instincts and make the feelings even stronger!

I no longer want to identify with this country or these people, and if we weren't preppers already, I probably would have left after the election.

So... even though I personally feel Obama was the best choice given the possibiities, for the US, I also feel compassion and understanding for those who feel he isn't and actually feel the country is in danger.
It's a critical time, that magnifies feelings.

edit on 11-11-2012 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by badgerprints
A third party that unites people by their common goals would be a step towards the healing you describe. neither side would ever let that happen.

The present system is DESIGNED and INTENDED to create hate between the two sides for the purpose of control. After you successfully get both sides hating each other you then ask for healing?

Doesn't add up.

When you create enemies by pitting them against each other, you can't be upset when they actually become enemies.

I thank all for your replies,

As reply to badgerprints post,I will respectfully disagree with your perceptions.

During elections, it is common enough all kinds of oratory being engaged by BOTH sides to win voters, regardless of the truth or veracities of such outpouring of words so as to sway voters.

The onus and responsibility are upon the voters to verify every word themselves, easy to do so today with information at finger tips, without fear or favor, to seek for the truth, and then vote for whom they think is the right person to be the leader of the nation.

After the vote, ALL citizens must accept the outcome of the majority vote in a free honest election conducted in a democratic nation, and come together as ONE People in a civilised nation to progress and evolve, regardless of whom they had voted for, as the election is OVER.

It is no longer about the republican who lost the election, or a democrat who won the election. It is now that AN AMERICAN, with values and administrative concepts that the majority voted and trusted, to administrate the nation, of AMERICANS, for the PEOPLE, by the People.

The time and responsiblity for healing begins with you and me now, not from anyone else, for the election is over and done with already and the People, of whom we are part of, had decided.
edit on 11-11-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 12:53 PM
It was unfortunate for the Republican voters that there wasn't an event like there was in 1990 that allowed a true moron to spend 8 years flying to and from his so called "Ranch".. At least they could coach him on how to not appear totally dyslexic when trying to read from a teleprompter while down there during the month leading up to the implosion of the three towers at the World Trade Center.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by hypervigilant
It was unfortunate for the Republican voters that there wasn't an event like there was in 1990 that allowed a true moron to spend 8 years flying to and from his so called "Ranch".. At least they could coach him on how to not appear totally dyslexic when trying to read from a teleprompter while down there during the month leading up to the implosion of the three towers at the World Trade Center.

I don't want to ask...........I have read your post several times and I am trying VERY HARD not to ask........
I can not help myself, so here we go..........:.............

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 04:41 PM
No thank you. There's nothing to heal. Both parties lose elections. Damage comes from policy, not politics. So now is the time to dig in and fight for our values, before there is actually a need for 'healing.'

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
No thank you. There's nothing to heal. Both parties lose elections. Damage comes from policy, not politics. So now is the time to dig in and fight for our values, before there is actually a need for 'healing.'

That was worth repeating.

Very well said!

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

After the vote, ALL citizens must accept the outcome of the majority vote in a free honest election conducted in a democratic nation, and come together as ONE People in a civilised nation to progress and evolve, regardless of whom they had voted for, as the election is OVER.

It is no longer about the republican who lost the election, or a democrat who won the election. It is now that AN AMERICAN, with values and administrative concepts that the majority voted and trusted, to administrate the nation, of AMERICANS, for the PEOPLE, by the People.

Obama has been running for reelection since he took office.

He had added 6 trillion to the deficit in four years when he called Bush a traitor for adding four trillion in eight.

That makes him (by his own standard) a traitor three times over.

The majority that voted for Obama want to continue this direction.

The rest want to reverse it.

I see collusion with the continued attrition on our economy, our currency and our fiscal future as a very real and ongoing issue that doesn't get swept under the rug for another four years.

We are not one people as has been made incredibly clear over the last four years by Obama in particular and the left in general. For Obama we are an enlightened left and a backwards right that must be defeated.

Now it's cooperation, healing and brotherhood?

Lies. Lies. Lies.

How about this for the "Message" from the left.

"We beat you so you have to give up. Please see reason and stop thinking. Just be quiet for a while and let us finish destroying the economy by spending ourselves into insolvency. Most importantly, stop hating us for hating you. It's not fair."
edit on 11-11-2012 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I have to tell you that the VAST MAJORITY of U.S. Citizen are neither having feelings or thoughts of any kind that would include the concept that the Country is somehow Damaged or Split.

These feelings or concepts are only present in EXTREMISTS in BOTH PARTIES. The SILENT MAJORITY of Americans see the Elections as a normal process of the Country and whether their candidates were elected or not is considered as some EARTH CHANGING OR ENDING EVENT!

I help run several Family Owned Companies which my Parents as well as myself have worked very hard to bring them from several small endeavours to what they are now. I can tell you by looking at multiple Decades of Computer Data that the U.S. Economy is CYCLICAL as well as effected by events such as Storms, Terrorism, Drought and Interest Rates.

The Economy IS NOT effected to any major degree by who holds the office of President of the United States nor does the passing of Laws of any Social Connection or Rulings by the Supreme Court that have no connection to Business.

The Economy is in an UPSWING and will slow down to a degree in the Winter but not too great of a slow down as long as the Winter is not one with a Larger in Number amount of large Storms which may have great amounts of Snow Fall or SEVERE COLD which would cause a SUPPLY AND DEMAND issue to raise costs of fuel.

If the Winter is light or Average...we will see a HUGE upswing in the Economy around April. I make this prediction based upon DECADES of EXPERIENCE as well as the collected data. So if you are going to purchase Real Estate...NOW is the time to do it before interest rates go up. NOW is also the time to REMODEL or RESTRUCTURE or EXPAND your Business as my Family and I are now doing to all our Companies. We are getting ready for the inevitable influx of a Greater Amount of both Customers as well as Purchases.

It would not matter who would be President...either one...OBAMA or ROMNEY would have been LUCKY in that THEY would be the one in office when the U.S. Economy shrugs off a decade plus of Recession and Slow Growth and comes ROARING this has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO IS IN OFFICE AS PRESIDENT.
The American People decide WHEN, HOW AND TO WHAT EXTENT the economy will flourish or fail. Politics has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!

If there is an area that the U.S. needs to heal it is not in the area of bickering over an Election. The U.S. needs to stop the Bleeding of Runaway Dept, Over Taxing the Middle Class and especially in the area of Capital Gains, allowing Small Business which employ over 80% of ALL AMERICANS but have been IGNORED by both Republicans and Democrats as the ONLY VIABLE WAY to ensure that the Largest Employer in the U.S. is allowed to flourish thus creating VIABLE LONG TERM to stop spending vast amounts of Economic Stimulus Money in areas that only create Bigger Government or Short Term Employment.

Once the Economy Booms...and it will...we must take steps in both the State and Federal Level to ensure that the Economy continues to Boom. This means...Low Interest Loans to Small Business, A Fair and Specific ability to Tax those who can afford to be Taxed and LOWER TAXES on the Middle Class and FORCE BANKS that have been BAILED OUT to start LOANING MONEY AGAIN as it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to get a Loan to START THEIR OWN BUSINESS.

THIS will HEAL for the Health of the Nation being based upon who is elected...that is a wrong diagnosis and I believe it is time to call a Lawyer. Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 10:29 AM
Thanks for your reply and insight.

However, I must beg to differ from your analysis.

Do not, do not, think like the republican fiscal conservatives. They presumed that the economic situation alone will drive americans to their side and thus the obscene billion of dollars spent on such a strategy. They lost big time. Karl Rove must be thinking of fleeing to South America now, for his strategy and fools believing him.

In truth, the only ones whom the economic situation dominated were the 7% unemployed and the 1% elites who worry about taxes if Democrats win. The other americans too share the concerns, but not as much as the formerly stated. Do remember, 93% are still employed even during the most frightening past 4 years where unemployment was double figures in other states around the world.

Once the fiscal cliff is licked, green shoots of growth will spout and opportunities abound for all. Only fools will run a country down, but democrats are not fools. They had proven themselves during Clinton's era and President Obama 1st term, whereby the situation could have been worse if fools ran it, like the austerity fools in Europe.

Some worry about the QE or more neccesary loans in the interim in the following years if the growth does not pick up enough, and will only force the next generation to pay present day debts. Thing is, if the loan is NOT taken to help the present living, there will be NO future anyway, let alone future generations.

Civilisation is built upon the mastering of 3 common attributes - economics, social, and politics. The foundations that built USA, which is a secular nation but based upon christian principles, is still strong.

It is the social infrastructure that is weak now. Discriminations such as ethnicity, immigration, women and women's right, homosexualities, and greed by the elites had weaken the pillars. It was these issues that caused the swing votes in the election by all parties to vote for the incumbant, who had proven to be an inclusive leader and willing listener.

The solution to righting those pillars up lays further with us - The People, by sharing, discussing and finding solutions PEACEFULLY upon comon grounds, building from there layer by layer up to progress and evolve, and not confrontationally with each other, or by imposition of unenforcable laws. Those who dig in their heels will only end up digging their own graves in the face of the juggarnaut of change and evolution.

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