posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:07 PM
I truly understand that things could go more smoothly. We all would like free desert after buying dinner. We all want more for less. We want
perfection, and we don't want to make it ourselves, or pay for it. We want to hear promises, even if they are impossible to keep. This storm,
Sandy, put almost a million Con Ed customers off the grid. Their previous all time record was around 200,000 customers out. Now, I find it appalling
that people blindly expect instant remediation at a time like this. Think about it. If Con Ed could raise it's fees by say 350%, maybe they could
keep a 300% larger staff on hand, sitting on their thumbs,
just in case this ever happens again. Yay, we can go from 11 days out of power down
to maybe only 5 days of pain and suffering. I mean we can't sue mother nature, can we? Maybe we can!
How do you think these folks would react to a 350% hike in pricing structures?
Electricity is not a right, last time I checked.
I may be off base here?? and I agree there is mucho room for improvement, but perfection will NEVER be reached. Safe to say, everyone, or maybe some
of us, have learned something here.
Self entitlement....