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The Syrian War Debunked By A Syrian !

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posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Your insight is appreciated Luxor. I am guilty of "Not Reading" before I speak at times too. I agree with the story and with what you have to say about it. Thx again

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

I'm as skeptical as most people here about who is really pulling the strings behind the conflict in Syria. But its gonna take more than ONE single blog post on some sketchy website to completely debunk the entire Syrian war.

Assuming that some letter on is real just because we have absolutely no idea regarding the authors identity (or motivations) is just about as stupid as trusting Fox News in my humble opinion.

Are all of you trying to tell me that every negative report about Assad made by many many different news sources is a complete and total fabrication?

edit on 11/11/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:53 AM
It's funny how comments from a single person can completely sway someone's opinion on a matter... if if favors their belief system. There have been dozens of reports and hundreds of witnesses in regards to the Syrian military being involved - but I guess they are all nullified if a lone voice emails that "Nope, all is well and good here! The military are our bestest buddies!"

So all MSM reports are false.. all witnesses are lying (many which are televised from the source)... because this one person spoke out? Yea.. right.. ok.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by CherubBaby

She is a Syrian Woman and brings the truth to light on what is really going on in Syria.

And yet we have things like this...

Maybe this is where the info about no civil war in Syria came from...

So I guess that these reports are all fabrications?
edit on 11-11-2012 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by fleabit

I want to say first I respect your opinion on this. Do I agree with it? No and for good reason.I am an American and I live in America. I therefore have no friends in Syria or anywhere near that part of the world. I do however have common sense and I am a vet of The USMC with 2 sons in the AF. That by itself should say a little about me. Does it make me all knowing? NO. Does it make me wrong? NO.

Are you telling me that you don't think there are paid mercenaries in Syria? Did you not read about the deaths at the Embassy and the tails of them running weapons through that front of cover? Doesn't it strike you strange that country after country is failing there not to mention throughout the world ? Who do you think controls the media and those films you watch in most cases. Lastly Those people have been sorting out their problems for 5000 years without the interference or need for the Obama and Bush administrations.

Do you think we have done any good with running our own country the past decade? Arabs , Muslims, whatever the case know how to deal with their own issues and that's a fact... I will get more on this.. thanks for your post

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by CherubBaby

I believe it.

One reason, when we used to get videos of the protesters in other nations I saw so many western looking guys.

The Obama administration is just setting up the chessboard for the war of Armageddon.

edit on 103030p://bSunday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
It's funny how comments from a single person can completely sway someone's opinion on a matter... if if favors their belief system. There have been dozens of reports and hundreds of witnesses in regards to the Syrian military being involved - but I guess they are all nullified if a lone voice emails that "Nope, all is well and good here! The military are our bestest buddies!"

So all MSM reports are false.. all witnesses are lying (many which are televised from the source)... because this one person spoke out? Yea.. right.. ok.

I don't agree with you at all.
This maybe one report but there has been loads of information from the Syrian people since this began.
You only have to look at what happened in Libya.
The lies that we're put out made more people look into the Syrian issue because it was so similar.

Syrian Girl was on the net all the time giving reports of what was going on.
The only news I've seen on the side of the rebels is from the western media.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by fleabit

If you would read the article you will see she says the people stand with the soldiers and always have. Where do you think the wives and daughters and families of the army reside? They are the people. The people stand with the army.
I wanted to post this link back to another interview with an Iraqi woman. It is self explanatory.

edit on 11-11-2012 by CherubBaby because: added text link

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

I can't help but think of the footage of 911 when I see your post. The joke of blaming a country that had nothing to do with it. Murdering over 800,000 innocent civilians ( at least that many ) Digitization and actors with propaganda to play out to people who believe everything the MSM wants to pump. Thank you for your contribution just the same.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Fabrications? As in the videos being manufactured in some way? I don't think anyone is saying that.

However, I for one, am saying you are implying (fabricating?) that there is something in the video that isnt there. Gunfire and wounded people are one thing, video of the military shooting at them is another and its not in this video.

Even if there was such a video, it would not be easy to prove it is what it is supposed to be, as false flag attacks are done in almost every conflict, certainly in this one too.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by badnickname

Actually it says this...

"Some people say, there was a "civil war" going on in Syria - initiated by protests against the regime. This is a lie. and it has already proved being a lie for about 19 months.

So then if the reports of a civil war are a lie then that would implicate that any video of said civil war must have been a fabrication.

However, I for one, am saying you are implying (fabricating?) that there is something in the video that isnt there. Gunfire and wounded people are one thing, video of the military shooting at them is another and its not in this video.

No what I am asking the OP is that if what he posted this lady as saying this civil war is a lie then whatever videos we get from there must be fabricated.

Even if there was such a video, it would not be easy to prove it is what it is supposed to be, as false flag attacks are done in almost every conflict, certainly in this one too.

So what your saying is that if a video did exist it would be a fabricated video to help support a false flag that you say is happening with this conflict.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

I can't help but think of the footage of 911 when I see your post. The joke of blaming a country that had nothing to do with it. Murdering over 800,000 innocent civilians ( at least that many ) Digitization and actors with propaganda to play out to people who believe everything the MSM wants to pump. Thank you for your contribution just the same.

What does 9/11 have to do with a Syrian civil war?

Who murdered 8000,000 innocent civilians?

So what your implying is that the videos from there are fabricated to help MSM to pump out news stories?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

I think the original line of thought about there not being a civil war doesn't mean there was no armed conflict or that civilians werent casulties. It means that the conflict/war is between Syria and Other countries. Thus, not a civil war.

P.S. I never said that any video would be fake, but that it would be smart to not take any video/phot at face value.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

I think most people who have been following the events in Syria closely over the past eighteen months or so will know that there`s a helluva lot of fabrication going on by all sides but most of it from the western media as in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Thanks for your participation in the thread. You and everyone else. I will explain and clear this up.
When I said,

I can't help but think of the footage of 911 when I see your post.

It wasn't your video in any direct way I was talking about. My point was and is that people learn as they go in life. I have had to wait a long time to be ashamed of The US Governments behaviors. The paranoia in their spying on everyone in the country. I guess at this point in my life and having seen what I have seen and been subjected to and continue to be subjected to at the hands of a bunch of Political Criminals in Washington, I was reminded of how on 911 they were announcing the collapse of building 7 with live television 45 MINUTES BEFORE IT ACTUALLY COLLAPSED. That did my confidence supply a good kick in the butt, when it comes to MSM.
I said then,

Murdering over 800,000 innocent civilians ( at least that many

Because that is a conservative estimate of innocent men, women and children who have died at the hands of the decision to bomb and destroy a country that has every right to exist and did nothing to deserve it. BTW that number is for the two wars combined and according to my sources it could be up to 1.5 million civilians.
My Government in foreign is going to have to do their own Cheer leading now. I don't trust anything in Washington.

Finally, I will tell you yes. I believe the News and what the MSM shows on its programming is always suspect because they are not convincing this Marine that they care about human rights while they slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians so they can make money and line their pockets. I could say much more but I will end with this. If I met someone online from Iraq or Afghanistan etc and they told me what this lady told the op, I would take a strangers word on the street before I would trust anything or person that calls himself or herself a servant of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Laughing to myself in disgust "What a joke that title of purpose is.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Sorry I didn't reply to your post sooner. I don't want to go too far off topic but on the issue of Armageddon, it just hit me that there are all these signs like never before and the only thing we hear about in the midst of all this chaos are wars commodities and new laws to strip or dignities. No one seems to care enough to do anything. It's like being alive and asleep at the same time.

Thanks for you post.

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