First off, i'm tired. It's 10:38. Call me old fashion, I like sleep.
I will try to explain my point of view as much as possible.
Lately, I have been concerned with my enlightenment or the process towards it. I have had a hard time understanding what I should be doing or
(thinking) at many points of my life.
I truly do feel inspired in some electric unseeing experience that happens to me when I meditate or find many coincidental things amongst life.
Signs, numbers occurrence, time farts? call it what you will but my train of thought has changed and I would like to share.
I am a perfectionist, It has gotten to me this far on my own perfection towards enlightenment. This train of thought is a double edge sword (from my
experience). It is an incredible positive when you use it during self anaylisi, understanding your moods, emotions and ups and downs. Trying to be
perfect is almost everyone dream. Also, did I mention it came with its own "soap box"? You can tell people what is and what isn't (nobody likes
that might I add)
The negatives is, too much analytical thinking can destroy yourself. Stressing about how bad you are, looking at porn or swearing! Making you feel
less than human. (here comes the self beating catholic) You can really torture yourself from this point of view. Trying to be perfect is,
impossible. I use the word perfect as in "bettering of oneself". To better yourself is to perfect yourself. Which is good!
So after 28 years of learning and experience points (lol) I have come to the conclusion that "humanity" is the remedy for this as well.
You must think of your Humanity and the Humanity around you at the same time. Yourself and the civil duty of others.
For example, I know humans make mistakes and I shouldn't beat myself up if I make a mistake. Many of us hate to make one wrong move, so instead of
letting it go, we internalize it inside us, making it gnaw through our being. Humanity is the answer to this. In order for us to realize our
potential, we have to not take ourselves so serious.
To take ourselves less serious, we really have to STOP thinking we are some sort of god on earth. Many people believe in the mindset that we are
gods. We create, think, talk, civilization, society, culture, etc etc.
This notion must be eradicated before any of these teachings are taken into consideration.
When we think of our humanity we can make mistakes, fall on the ground, stumble at an important interview, spill coffeee on your lap and let things go
as it is and not let us defeat ourselves in our own mind. On top of that we can also give to others as well. The giving to Humanity, which is all
the charity works and good.
and yes, my thread is misspelled on my sig,
thank you
for those who don't know what I am talking about go to
I have found the meaning of life. Threadedit on 8-11-2012 by Jordan River
because: (no reason given)