posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:53 PM
Hi, I thought it was about time to introduce myself properly having been a member or several months and posted a few replies!
I am a nurse ( but haven't practiced for a few years since my kids were born). I was born and bred in England but in my late 20's met a lovely man
from the Middle East - we married and lived in UK together for 8 years then 2 years ago we moved here to his home country in MEast where we intend to
stay indefinitely and raise our children.
I have learned so much living here and that feeds my interest in many topics related to the Mid East, Islam and politics, both British and
International. I feel I am a split personality somewhat as I can see most issues relating to Islam and the Middle East from both a Western and an Arab
perspective. I guess my interest stems fro having to deal with quite alot of ingrained prejudice and bigoted attitudes over the years from various
small minds from people I have met including friends and family, for marrying a Muslim. But I love to play my tiny part in dispelling some myths, if I
Absolutely love ATS and tend to prefer it for my source of news these days having always gone straight to mainstream media previously - what an
awakening! I can safely say ATS has changed the way I view the world and also sparked new interests- namely in Quantum physics, especially in
relation to consciousness and the soul etc. I am also interested in the paranormal and spiritual issues, 2012 discussions, politics and the Illuminati
/ NWO etc! There isn't much that does not interest me on here to be honest!
ATS has some great minds and I learn something every time I come here!
Anyway this has turned into quite an essay! Just to say 'hi' officially and I look forward to our future discussions!
L x