posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:15 PM
Voting in self-defense for someone (Badnarik) who would stop someone else (Bush or Kerry) from depriving you of more liberty and more cash, is every
bit as justified as using a firearm in self defense if someone is trying to deprive you of your life or your cash.
And on a practical note, if you somehow persuaded 51% that voting was immoral, the other 49% would still elect their President and take your liberty
and your cash. (It�s what happens now, if you�re not paying attention.)
If you somehow persuaded 51% of the people to vote for Michael Badnarik, think how much better your life would be!
The best part is, it doesn�t take 51% � since less than 50% of the population votes, 20 or 25% would be enough for Badnarik to win.
Get another 20 to 25% to abstain from voting, and where does that get you?
Comment by Lex
[edit on 20-10-2004 by TrueLies]
[edit on 20-10-2004 by TrueLies]