posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:07 AM
Considering the topics the vast majority of the membership want to discuss here, having that topic devolve into what it always devolves into
only serves to further reduce the already tenuous credibility, in the minds of the masses, of those topics. The point of ATS is to get our
membership's ideas, theories, observations, and discussions on the myriad topics we do "allow" seen by as wide a viewing audience as possible. To
purposefully allow that to be denigrated by this topic is folly.
We have tried and tried in the past and it has failed miserably every single time. The definition of insanity comes to mind here...
I'd also point out that there are several net filters, employed by thousands of organizations, that block sites with content of this nature which
would effectively limit the number of potential viewers by a hugely significant number.
And finally, this site exists because advertising revenue (barely) covers the costs. Advertisers don't want their brands presented on sites whose
content include illegal drugs, porn, gore, etc...
It makes zero sense that we would greatly reduce the perceived credibility of the topics that the site was founded on, limit the potential reach of
our member's thoughts and ideas by a significant margin, and alienate the single source of revenue that allows the site to continue, all for the
benefit of one topic that has never, ever, generated anything of value at all.