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Black Ops 2

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 12:13 PM

It's hard being number one.

edit on 11/16/12 by enjoies05 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 11:53 AM
lol. I like the game but the damn spawn points really ruin the game for me, plus there seems to be some crazy weird lag going on. I can't tell you how many times I get killed by someone running around the corner already shooting. Its ruining it to the point that I don't even want to play, but I gotta feed my addiction. haha

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 12:48 PM
I don't buy games without playing them first anymore. I've been waiting on a restock from Redbox, but it's going to be a while. Looking forward to it. I'm hearing good things.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by enjoies05

nice ratio

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 01:05 PM
Has anyone played the nazi zombie mode yet? Tell me what its like?

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:44 AM
Just hit the first prestige. Have a little less than 11 hours of playtime. I like the game alot. It's really fun. There's a few not so great things but I'm enjoying it.

My tips for ranking up fast. Kill Confirmed. And lot's of it. Also, when you unlock it, there's a tactical thing called a black box. It blows up UAV's and choppers and stuff. I used that a lot too for more points.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:03 PM
yup the game looks good so far
awesome graphic but the bugs in the SP is annoying
MP seems to be stable.. i like it .. easy to kill

Zombie mode .. i dont know .. there is something i dont like
i prefer Left 4 Dead 2 or HL2 lol

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:51 PM
Rented it from Redbox last night, and saw that some dick took a knife and scratched it all to hell. It was definitely not playable. I rented another copy that same night, and finished it this evening. Not bad. I usually stray away from games that take place in the future, but this one didn't overdo it with a bunch of science fiction nonsense. I had a little laugh though when I heard "USS Barack Obama".

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 09:12 PM
I had a go on my friends copy.
While MP hasn't really impressed me and I haven't seen any of the campaign but I did like the change made to the Zombie map, going around on a bus covered in zombies is fun.

I don't think i'll buy this one.

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 10:21 PM
I'm on level 36 on my first prestige.

I have to say, I've have zero fun with this game since I prestiged. And I don't know what's wrong.

Everyone uses ghost after they prestige. But that isn't the problem.

I'm a good Call Of Duty player. But lately I can't get a single shot to hit before I'm dead. It's ridiculous. 19 out of 20 even gun fights Iose. What the hell. I can't even go positive. It's stupid. I'm lighting people up. I have a four bar or sometimes a three bar connection. I can't even damage these people.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by enjoies05
I'm on level 36 on my first prestige.

I have to say, I've have zero fun with this game since I prestiged. And I don't know what's wrong.

Everyone uses ghost after they prestige. But that isn't the problem.

I'm a good Call Of Duty player. But lately I can't get a single shot to hit before I'm dead. It's ridiculous. 19 out of 20 even gun fights Iose. What the hell. I can't even go positive. It's stupid. I'm lighting people up. I have a four bar or sometimes a three bar connection. I can't even damage these people.

Alright bro,sorry to hear your having that problem,reset your modem,put quick draw handel on and i found if you spray their whole body and not just the one part they die a lot quicker.[im sure you know this]
Cool thread guys,i like the black cat hacking system very much also,i just unlocked the title for 300 hacks.
I also agree with the guy about mw3 ,i found the m.o.a.b being the only quest and a annoying one at that but infected rocked. Guys we should build a clan and try push for a top spot,im just hitting forth prestige and im happy to lay fire down with my ats bros.anytime!!anyone think the game lost a little bit of smoothness after the first update?
edit on 28/11/12 by lostgold because: incoming loadstar ,some data had to be destroyed

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by enjoies05

It's hard being number one.

edit on 11/16/12 by enjoies05 because: (no reason given)

I believe there is a word for what you just done in that game but i will not say it here,haha good job. The new nuke town is frantic and great fun,Hard point is funny!!! on that a kill confirmed player/dom an search and destroy.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 08:50 AM
I actually set my search preferences to "best" and it's made a nice difference. I'm almost always on a four bar now. And it helps. A lot.

I'm liking the KSG shotgun, now that I've gotten used to it. With long barrel you can one hit people a good distance away. It makes them rage.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by enjoies05

I must try that best connection setting,nice one for the tip.[i like to tune my languages im learning with the guys and girls online,it does be a great laugh] I like the fds or fsd i think it is called.The one with the side enter clip in the smg,i put full metal jacket and silencer. Its a great killing machine lol,if i can do with out blind eye i also put laser on too. plus extended clip will give you 75 bullet clip and they are so good they should be illegal.Happy shooting.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Any problems I had in the past (well, almost all of them) are gone. I've been having a ton of fun with this game. Maybe it's because I've been playing with friends in parties. Hardcore mode is where I'm at now. Prestiged another time. Halfway though this one because of the double XP this weekend. Two gold guns. This game is a lot of fun.

I've got about 47 hours logged so far.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 07:24 PM
Anyone on XBox try the new maps and gun? I've only watch a couple videos on it. Looking forward to it coming to Playstation, not looking forward to paying another 20 dollars or whatever it is.

I'm prestige 8 now. Diamond smgs, 3 gold assault rifles, 2 gold snipers, and a golden launcher. This game is so fun.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:05 AM
I loved black ops. Got black ops 2 the other day. There was a lot of lag and I guess I was just so used to MW3, that it felt kind of alien to me. Some of the maps are pretty awesome though. I put it on the shelf and went back to MW3, for the time being. I still haven't had my fill of MW3.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:11 AM
Yea the new maps are some of the best ever released, they did a really great job on them. The new gun is pretty good also although I prefer the heavier hitting assault weapons such as the Scar.

I don't play zombies so haven't tried out that new one yet. Great game overall. I prestiged up to about 5 I think but have since switched to just playing with bots, I like to experiment with stuff and not partake in the rat race anymore.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 11:23 AM
Yea it is sometimes fun to just go at it with a bunch of bots without the stress and drama of online multi-player. That's also a good way to really try out and get used to different guns and maps.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by venkman13

Really? That's interesting. MW3 was my least favorite at all. I didn't like the game one bit.

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