posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:28 AM
Ok, some people clearly don't understand the concept of Democracy (i dont really blame them, as US and UK have 2 party systems )
One candidate CANNOT steal away votes from another.....
In a democracy like Netherlands, Germany or the Scandinavian countries we have coalition governments, beacuse people have the choice to vote for a
party which is actually their ideology as there are a multitude of parties, all the way from Extreme right to Extreme left.
Now NEVER had i EVER heard the argument XXX Stole YYY votes and made YYY lose as XXX votes were wasted votes (in this scenario XXX is 3rd party
candidate in a 2 party system) until i started learning about US politics and in more recent years, this trend has also started to show UK
Now the whole point of Representative Democracy is that you can choose someone who believes what you believe, So social pressure not to vote for
someone as they are a "Wasted vote" Spits in the face of Representative Democracy.
For Crying out loud, its called Freedom of Choice, its really beyond me, how anyone could think votes for a 3rd party is wasted, or that 3rd party
made YYY loose.
No 3rd party did not make Mitt lose, the people spoke, and they clearly did not want Mitt, otherwise the people who did not vote for him would have
Sorry, just had too get the rant of my chest. (and whether or not the US is actually a Representative Democracy, is a different discussion all
together, but its supposed to be, and is on paper)