posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:58 PM
The stock market was betting on a Romney win, which would have meant increased confidence in a business-friendly government, and stability of the tax
code. It would have also helped stop QE-indefinite, continuous bank and auto bailouts and the threat of having to compete with failing competitors
gaining government sponsorship.
Obama and his administration are business-hostile, and believe in socialist economics. They don't understand that taxes on businesses and business
owners are trickle down and hurts the poor, and throwing money at consumers or the loan welcher crowd is not an investment. QE-Indefinite dilutes the
value of money. Your money is constantly losing value. Bank and auto bailouts create government-backed competitors, weak business models drive out
strong business models and create a weaker country.
America, you deserve what you voted for. Continued negative investment, a business-hostile government, and a tax system to feed a massive entitlement
systems that will burden and most likely crush the economy.