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ke$ha's australian x-factor performance and the illuminati

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posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:41 PM

(Originally posted by network dude)
Unless you can name some current members, or tell everyone the location of the meetings, I think we can either say the Illuminati no longer exists, or they are truly the most secret, secret society that has ever existed.
Both options have the same impact. IMHO

Now you ask a different question, yet you have not actually responded to my original answer. By deflecting with another question, I can only assume that my answer did not suit your needs to prove your case.
You asked:

(Originally posted by network dude)
How could a group that formed to fight against tyranny and oppression have lasted over 200 years only to completely change it's goal to enslavement and oppression?

I answered the possibility how with:

(Originally posted by iwan2ski)
To help answer your question: I think Friedrich Nietzsche's old saying, "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster", pretty much sums it up.

This concept is repeated throughout history. One faction looks to overthrow an oppressive government / organization. Then once it's replaced, the new faction becomes more oppressive than the first to maintain it's power. Then the cycle repeats.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by blazingdefiance

The Illuminati stuff doesn't interest me, but what the hell happened to Keisha? She was very hot, for a very brief time, and then she got chubby and ugly, and now she looks like a MAN! I mean, Britney Spears went through some rough patches, and so did Rhianna, but nothing like this Keisha thing. Poor girl!

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by blazingdefiance

What does this prove? That the artist and production team used popular culture symbolism in their video?

Is the singer the head of the Illuminati? Are you in the Illuminati?

How does seeing this symbolism affect you personally?

How does it make you feel?

Are you scared?

Here is what it tells me. First the all seeing eye and the 5 pointed stars within 5 pointed stars indicate that the shows artists and possibly producers desire to flaunt occultic symbols in very prominent places. In fact the all seeing eye graphic was bouncing around just above Kesha and drew your attention away from the bejeweled harlot. I call her a harlot in this case because I believe, again, that she is trying to invoke the whore of Babylon symbol with her attire. Associating with negative Biblical images is a common tactic among devil worshipers.

Ignoring the insipid dance music itself, the artists words, her gyrations and occultic symbols tell me that she is yet another enemy. She is a cultural enemy an enemy of the gospel and part of the Luciferian indoctrination of the entire world. Her fans are too unchurched, too ignorant and too brainwashed to undersand what has happened to them. They will readily receive the antichrist.

The dismal unraveling of Western civilization is painful to watch. This sort of degeneration always ends badly. As such, people like her and the people who fund her and promote her are evil, satanic and the enemies of our souls. They should be treated with utter contempt, the same way you might treat a child molester.

That's how it makes me feel. How about you?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:37 PM
Remember who she is signed by. Most, if not all of the acts that promote their new singles on the x factor get to do so because they are signed by the same person. SIMON COWELL !!
There is a reason that he is referred to as the dark lord. It does not take a genius to work out which side of his bread is buttered.
Simon Cowell = x factor = pop acts that promote illuminati = devil worship.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by sayzaar
Remember who she is signed by. Most, if not all of the acts that promote their new singles on the x factor get to do so because they are signed by the same person. SIMON COWELL !!
There is a reason that he is referred to as the dark lord. It does not take a genius to work out which side of his bread is buttered.
Simon Cowell = x factor = pop acts that promote illuminati = devil worship.

Interesting. Who would have thought? He just seems like an awkward, possibly mildly autistic self promoter. It's hard to imagine him wearing a red cape and participating in child sacrifices and so forth.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 08:41 AM
Be thankful for the muses, for the music of the spheres will someday cease.

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