posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:18 PM
Here is your october surprise, 1400 cst/USA, Al Queda tape aired with Osama on it talking. And of course the tape was given to CNN by Al-Jazeera. So
speculation has just been put assunder. Updates on tape content to come as soon as I get the rest of the tapes info. Its being
analyzed now. And guess what with only four days till polls too cant cut it any closer than that....... well maybe they still have something coming up
this may be a precursor.
Also 0520 cmt/USA tape relesed of American speaking, educated person dressed like militant threatening attacks..... tape under investigation by US
Yes CNN, but think about this, it is the US propaganda machine, and not all stories aired by Al- Jazera have been proven to be from Al-Queda and there
are 2 tapes of possible US or US conected origins one being, 1 execution tape which was believed stage by military and other US official, and Now the
new tape from that mysterious English speaking man dressed as terrorist and the new al-queda tape and their may be more