posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 12:34 PM
Some things may change, at least superficially. And a very few things may even change substantively, based on the individuals leanings of the
administration elected or upheld. These are, after all, still individual people with their own tendencies, attitudes, and beliefs, no matter how
locked into the overall agenda that may exist they are.
But regardless, in my opinion there always seem to be certain agendas that continue unabated regardless of party, platform, or administration.Just a
few off the top of my head would include...
- The data mining and surveillance of citizens. (Every time one program or initiative fails or gets dismantled by congress, another inevitably seems
to rear its head, usually in association with the NSA, DARPA, the CIA, or in some respects all of the above.)
- The establishment of the "new normal." (Progressively aggressive changes to the status quo in terms of what people are acclimated to and willing
to accept with regard to civil liberties and day to day life.)
- The centralization of power via a trans-agency super-department (DHS being the latest example.)
- The continuing revolving door of securing access to foreign resources in exchange for military protection and favorable trading status (only much
later to discard them, if not invade or attack them outright, historically tending to cause massive destabilization of the region in question.)
- The drive toward ubiquitous national identification systems.
- The protection and even rescuing as we have seen more recently, of large financial institutions, in a seemingly perpetual effort to stave off
hyper-inflation and economic ruin.
These things seem fairly consistent, regardless of the ostensible differences and "change" the two major parties advertise and campaign on. The
Democrats do create more social support programs, and the Republicans do tend to focus on defense. They have different reproductive rights positions.
Etc. But the above seem to continue unabated regardless of who is President, or who controls Congress.