posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:21 PM
Hi all,
This is my first post of this section of ATS. I'm not a believer in ghost and paranormal, but felt like sharing a weird thing that happened with me
today. I'm spending this weekend in Edinbrugh and today I did two tours. A normal one, and a ghost one, just for the lolz. On the normal one, I meet
a girl called Amy, from Canada, and we talked a bit about us. Then, later on, on the ghost tour, I meet this girl from Australia, of which I dont know
the name, for some reason we didnt share our names.
Now, the weird thing is that, for me, despite the differences in clothes, they looked exactly like the same person! They shared the same physical
constitution, the same body language, the voice was very similar also. They both were intending to visit Portugal (where I am from) somewhere in the
end of the year/beginning of next one. And the conversation with the second one felt very familiar (hence why knowing names didnt felt needed), like
we had indeed meet before. We were also the only persons in the tour that were alone, in both cases.
Seriously, at some point I doubted if they were really different, or it was the first one all along mocking me! But no way I would ask that! Have any
of you had a similar experience or know someone who had it? I tried to google it, but couldnt find nothing.