posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 04:20 PM
The "No Fly List" is a typical bureaucratic solution to Governmental ineptitude. Because they don't admit they can't stop terrorists, they *pretend*
to do something about it (which they use to justify their budgets) by willy-nilly putting *names* - not PEOPLE - just names, on some black list to
prevent them from flying. They get to say they are doing something about the threat, and the public puts up with it because they don't know any
better (public will go along because they 1) think it's helping making flying more secure (it's not) and 2) they trust the government's "expertise" -
which is just another layer of illusion).
The typical Government thing to do in instances where they realize their bureaucratic ineptitude will be criticized (rightfully) by the public if
their bungled process (if you can even call it a "process", which suggests some intelligent thought was put into it) was made plane as day, they
*mask* the entire project behind a dark curtain of secrecy.
The Elephant-in-the-room here is obvious: If people who's names are on the No Fly List aren't allowed to fly, then we must assume that they are REAL
THREATS, right? I mean, if they aren't allowed to fly, THERE MUST BE A REASON.
So why on God's green earth isn't the Government arresting and
jailing these "No Fly List" none-fliers!!!???
The answer: Because to do so would require them to prosecute these people, which would of course fall apart because the Government doesn't have a
shred of prosecutable evidence against these "No Fly List" victims.
edit on 11/5/2012 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)