Originally posted by GD21D
Good, you have to start somewhere. They still have to prosecute them, something easier said than done. When change threatens to rule, the rules are
changed. There comes a point when enough is enough. The high levels of financial fraud and manipulation has got way out of hand.
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2-11-2012 by GD21D because: Punctuation
Is there ANY other threat, in the world that people fear most right now -- than our own wealthy and corporate culture? I'm sure SOME people worry
about the bogie man like Al Qaeda. But you are a thousand times more likely to lose your home, or die from inadequate health coverage.
Our burgeoning police state is only there to deal with the "blow back" caused by continued abuse by the .1%. The other story about Bush meeting with
fellow rich people in the Cayman islands says so much about what is wrong. It's so bad, that a former President is there cheerleading people who take
money offshore. His own family has moved a great deal of wealth to Dubai. What does that say? I mean, the pretend patriotism doesn't extend to the
bank account. He isn't "in it with us" -- he's one of the rats leaving the sinking ship. You'd expect this behavior from a hedge fund manager. I
wonder about people who just aren't instantly disgusted by this, or who supported our "torture program" as if a country that supported such things
could still be listed as "the good guys." The War on Terror supports torture which, is terrorism to anyone who isn't drinking the Cool Aid.
Too many people who've become tremendously wealthy have one foot out the door in a tax haven -- ready to bail if we give up on patriotism and fear of
other countries and start seeing the REAL threat. The CIA sells our data to third parties. The US Chamber of Commerce lobbies for outsourcing jobs
because it's comprised of multinationals. Our Media can't distract us enough from the slipped story about British Banksters manipulating the LIBOR
rates. People pushing austerity and worrying about shaving a few million, fail to mention the $16 Trillion the Fed audit revealed being printed and
handed to banks. Goldman Sachs and Bank of America each got more money than we spent on a "stimulus" to help working families.
What point is there to having air craft carriers or drones if they are paid for by a debt that is strung around your neck? The Chinese aren't
invading with an air force -- they've made much more progress with WalMart. People aren't invaded anymore -- this is the 21st Century; you just use
a Venture Capitalist fund, do a leveraged buyout on their job, and saddle them with debt they can never pay. Who needs to invade when you can just OWN
the people?
The Banks have a debt creation system, where they get paid about 3% for printing money that our government used to. This money can never be paid back
or the system collapses. But for every dollar you deposit, they loan ten. And that gives them a lot of influence over time.
There are some in our Intelligence services and military who think they defend the country. But the people at the top know that they work for people
who were bought off one cocktail party at a time. We are distracted by this notion of foreign rivals so that we don't see that the Chinese leaders
are as corrupted as ours. Our military goes in where an oil company wants cheap resources and our CIA destabilizes countries to make their resources
and labor cheaper -- on in the case of Libya, to get them to trade oil on the dollar and join the world bank.
There was a term used from the Medieval Period called "Castle Building" -- and these were little agreements between royals that when the peasants
tired of adding to the kings splendor, the other king would send his troops to attack. No more complaints.
>> I just wanted to vent about how sick I am of this -- and that we have no glimmer of justice in our future.