posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:15 AM
We should all stayed glued to the news and watch and learn from the victims of Sandy over on the East Coast.
After just three days, they're already out of food, opening fire hydrants to access clean water, armed and dangerous looters on the lose, no power
and it's freezing out, Gas stations running out of gas, 3-5 hours to get in or out of the city.
The point being that this is an Ultimate Study Guide that we should be learning from because when the SHTF, it will be like how it is over there now,
but it will be that way in all the cities.
I'm in the mid-west, however from what I learned, I'm going to be getting myself a small wood burning stove for heat, a DIY rocket stove for
efficient cooking, various food staples with long term storage, water jugs and various filters, guns & ammo, batteries, hand crank radio, some battery
powered led's and small solar arrays, lots of base layers and warm clothes, and the list goes on and on ...all things I've learned from watching the
Sandy after effects.