posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 03:00 PM
This is a lot less common than it used to be--and a little harder for the scammers. There was a time, before domain registration could be locked, that
they were known to transfer a domain and hold it for ransom.
It was also common to get a solicitation like this that looked like a bill (which this one sort-of does). Most people don't even know where their
domain is registered, so they'd just pay it; the scammer would transfer the domain and start sending exorbitant bills to the owner. Happened to a lot
of companies too, since the front office people usually don't know where the company's domain is registered. They'd just pay it without question; as
often as not, no one would even notice the domain transfer until someone started questioning the unusually high amounts....
ETA: Check yearly to ensure that your domain is locked. It's still possible for your information to fall into the wrong hands and have your website
defaced, transferred, or held hostage....
edit on 11/2/2012 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)