posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 10:40 AM
I used to have the same problem. However, as I have gotten older, I have had and seen enough bosses and people of "authority" to know that they are
just people, no better than I am.
If you are nervous about talking on the phone, I suggest writing down what it is you want to say, and practicing it first before making the call.
That way, it's more like reading from a script, and doing some acting, then just having to wing it with the boss.
As far as talking to them in person, the more you do it, the less nervous you'll be. I have learned (the hard way) that showing yourself as nervous
and meek makes them treat you poorly. You'll be judged more for being a meek little mouse than you ever would be if you just took a deep breath and
said what you needed to say.
I don't recommend alcohol to deal with these situations, because not only will you need more and more of it in order to function socially, but also,
if you smell like you've been drinking, you will not get the reception you were hoping for.
You most likely have social anxiety disorder, which is exacerbated by having to deal with people you assume are judging you. Two things to remember
are: 1. Their position of authority doesn't make them better than you. They will actually like you better if you take the pressure off them by
acting naturally and treating them with more friendliness. They'll pick up on your fear and nervousness, and it will make them uncomfortable.
2. Most people do not think about you as much as you think about yourself. This is a fact. Although every human being makes a cursory judgment
about whomever they're talking to, the amount of time it stays in their brain is commiserate with how uncomfortable you make them feel. Be at ease,
say what you need to say, and then exit the situation. I guarantee they'll stop thinking about you seconds after you're gone.
I've been in your shoes, and I know how it feels. Thank God I'm older, so that most authority figures I deal with are now younger than me, so I
don't feel intimidated any longer.