posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:34 PM
Your request is kind of general, so I will try to give a general response.
Try to think up and post some really specific questions. ATS is an amazing resource for contacting people with all kinds of experience and
knowlege--not just people like me who might have read a few books, but people who have been deeply involved.
I don't mean to turn a fun casual inquiry into WORK, but try to investigate these subjects with some intellectual analysis. These are topics that
there is just so much crap written about. Which is fine I guess if you are just seeking entertainment, but to really understand witchcraft and
magick, you have to also learn about yourself, your own psychology and your own spirituality. I consider this a very worthy pursuit if it is done
Here's a couple books that I thought gave reasonable introductions:
On magick: Real Magic (An Introductory Treatise on the Basic Principles of Yellow Magic) by Philip Emmons Isaac Bonewits. This is an older
book that your library may have. In fact your library might be a good place to start your investigations, just to see what they have. Most libraries
make an effort to avoid the worst of the junk books and find stuff at least popularly accepted within the field.
On Witchcraft:The Spiral Dance by Starhawk.
These may not be the best sources out there, but they were helpful to me.
I hope this is of some help to you as well.
Oh, and I just wanted to add: For the absolute, most concise summary of Magick as I understand it, simply read my signature line.
[edit on 19-10-2004 by cimmerius]