I figure my bald, but otherwise very haairy body is the result of my mistake. I asked God for a lot of hair, but I failed to specify where. As a
result my torso is as hairy as an ape, but, alas, the hair is nearly gone from the top. And yeah, I have a mustache--and have had since I got out of
the service--40 years ago.
According to most of my female friends; bald and shaved men look either like a psycho or a chemo patient... Sorry to burst any bubbles but the hormone
responsible isn't testosterone. It was linked to testosterone in early research because they knew it was hormonal; but had done very little research
into hormones at the time. In recent years more hormones have been discovered and researched; that show hair loss is directly linked to stress
hormones not testosterone. These stress hormones can be triggered by any number of sources; oxidative, physical and emotional...the amount of hair one
has, according to today's science depends on how healthy a persons immune system and coping mechanisms are.
I guess some stereotypical myths are best left alone though; like black = larger or bald = more virile...many people already feel inferior as it
is...so let stereotypes remain? I guess it's harmless I dunno.