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Man Possesed by a Gay Demon

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posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by r2d246

They weren't fantasies, they were historic records but they just had to decide on which ones to include in the bible. They didn't write anything at that time. It was already written. Anyway, that's my understanding of the events.

1) yes true

2) There's always been leaders, gurus, spiritually enlightened people. So in that way they might appear as if they're lives closely resembled that of Christ.

3) it was 4 am shoot me! I have to run around the city now and I'm still tired from last night! arrrrhhhhh

4) So your saying the extra births come from other people from other planets? Yes and or animals and or plants and trees. See how messed up that's getting already? We've put the pig threw the meat grinder, made sausage and now we're trying to find it's parts and put it back together again. It's impossible to make sense of. That's why I don't buy it. I buy what's senseable, it has to appeal to my reason not just my spirit. So to me the historical evidence all makes perfect sense. The proficies that have come true are good evidence. I can feel the spirit and get a strong emotional response each time I pray and or "get into the spirit". And rationally and logically it all makes sense and it describes everything in precision details so I'm not left in the dark not knowing what will happen, not knowing where I or the universe came from, and leaving me all confused with no factual basis to work with.

I'll admit I'm not well studied at apologetics so I only know enough to convince myself. To try and convince someone else is difficult. Plus it's not just based on fact. It's based on God's choice, and if the person has any concept of and or is willing to invite the spirit in so they can feel it. It's not just a logical decision. It's something experiential more than anything. Cuz when you invite the holy spirit into you you'll know. And from that point you'll be enlightened so to speak, which is why it's called "getting saved"

edit on 30-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

No, the old testament was historic documents (ones that where picked apart from thousands of books into the one we have today), the new testament had one page with a couple hundred words from antiquity, and from that they based the entire new testament on.

2.) Yes I understand that but, I mean almost exactly mirrored the life of Christ, or at least as far as: Being born of a virgin birth, walking on water, healing the sick, being killed and resurrected, being a prodigal teacher, etc.....

3.) Sorry, I was kinda joking. (it was 4 am for me too)

4.) Yes that is what I am saying, and I dont see how that is messed up at all, seems to make perfect sense. I dont think I follow the ground up pig thing. When the pig is ground, he is instantly reborn as an ant, or hippo, or person, and the pig has no memory of ever being a pig.

As for the accepting the spirit thing, I had been through a couple foster homes, one who was christian, and one who was catholic. I adamantly tried to follow their religions and accept Jesus or god into my life. I really did believe for a long time. However, once I really got into it I saw many fallacies and inconsistencies which I would often point out due to curiosity. The people at the churches I attended did not like that very much and would often get angry, all while never actually answering my honest questions. So I began to research the topics on my own, that is when I had a revelation that it was all a big scam to control people. Honestly, the catholic family I was with was more understanding then the christian one, and much less invasive with their teachings, but that could have just applied to those specific families and churches. The thing that really got me, was that they both wanted to restrict what I watched or read for fears it would "corrupt me" (like not being able to read Harry Potter) and when someone attempts to prevent you from reading a book, that is a red flag that something is not right. It reminded me of book burning.

In the end I ask this: Have you always been religious? Or where you once atheist? I am unique in the fact that I am a "born again atheist" if you wanna call it that. I have seen what the basic christian and catholic faiths have to offer, and it is not for me.

Anways, thanks for the respone and I too understand I will not sway a life long faith with just a couple of statements over the internet, but I do think we have accomplished something here.....Understanding

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Renegade2283

1) Why do you think that? Where are you getting this info. trust me if that's how it was set up there would be no Christianity as that's obviously just a fantasy then. No one would believe it. The new testiment is 27 historic books that were put together at that meeting, not written there. They choose those ones as they were the most profetic and inspired etc etc.

The New Testament is an anthology, a collection of Christian works written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times by various writers, and canonically named for the early Jewish disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. In almost all Christian traditions today, the New Testament consists of 27 books.
Source: Wikipedia

2) I think what made Jesus different than other spiritual teachers is that he flew in the face of other teachers. His message was like this "you can't work your way to heaven. You can't do works to somehow be good enough. What you have to do instead is simply relinquish yourself to the spirit, allow the spirit to come into your life, and be born again. By doing so the spirit cleans your moral being, instantly erases all your sins past present and future (so no matter what you do it's covered) directs your path, works in you, etc etc...

Most every other teacher except perhaps satanists believe that it's about all kinds of works, all kinds of study, duty, moral obligation, rules, regulations, etc etc basically this is why religion is so misunderstood. Because religion is often associated to this type of system. What I'm trying to say is... buddists tell you have to do all this work, so do mormons (we see that as they knock on your door early saturday morning), Hindu tell you have to do whatever, you have to work your way to heaven in all the religions. Christ is different, he says the direct opposite. He's saying nothing you can ever do will ever make you good enough the bible says "All your righteousness is as filthy rags"....Isaiah 64:6. It's saying forget about the idea of "you doing anything" to make it. It doesn't work that way. What it's saying is fortunately you have Christ, who did it all for you. He did all the work necessary. And by accepting him and inviting him into your life you instantly are made good by his power and spirit. That's why you have to invite the holyspirit into you via prayer and it will come in and begin it's work in you.

3) we'll skip on....I need to get to my tv shows ha ha....hmmmm what's on the menu tonight.... ;-p

4) What I meant was that the whole foundation of the idea of reincar.... start to get ground up, starts to be more and more nonsensical, I can't understand any of it, it could be like this, or like that, or like alice in wonderland who knows. That's why I don't buy it. And even if it was true then who runs it? Who invented it and this universe? I don't know it's too big a leap of faith.

Ya I understand. I have my own beef with Christians infact. Some of them I get along with fine others I can't stand. Same with Churches and there ministries. I rarely go to Church anymore. But I've gone many times in the past. And I do feel the spirit in many churches I go to. I know that there's personal belief which is what you need to decide on. And then after you have your own foundation regardless what church you're at or people you meet your faith won't be constantly based on the morality of others. What I'm trying to say is you don't have to find a good church or a good paster to find God. That's not how it works. God is a spirit. You pray to God to begin the dialog with him. And eventually if and when you're ready you invite him in, and he will being to work in your life.

Well I learned it all as a kid, rebelled in my teens, dabbled in witchcraft (not sure why), renewed my faith in Christ at 18. I think by trying both sides of the equation I started to realize how real and powerful both God and Satan are. There's power in both realms. Following satan is stupid though. There's only 2 people that will be for you in life. God and You. So if you can learn to become your own best friend and also love God you got it made! ha ha ;-p

Just an observation. Did you accept Christ before because people were telling you to, or because you wanted to? and if it wasn't your own personal choice then it might not have had the same impact. But truth be told, it actually could still be there. You don't know if the holy spirit is still in you or not. And if it is then my thought would be you'll never get rid of it. It will always keep drawing you back until eventually you understand, submit to it, and renew your love and understanding of God. Cuz seriously lets be honest here, like from one person to another, where's atheism gotten you so far? and what's it gonna lead to in future? Trust me, it's not worth it. I'd serious put some thought into that. Anyway ya it's been great talking to you. ttyl

edit on 30-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by r2d246


NEW EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT has plenty of references on such issues.

and journalist Lee Strobel's research into Christ is also impressive . . . turned his life around.

Of course, folks who wish to do their own thing . . . in more ways than one . . . will always find rationalizations regardless of whether it's alcoholism, lying, emotional or physical spouse or child abuse or ragaholism or whatever. Humans are very good at justifying their selfishness and excesses as well as their rebellions and idolatries.

Sexual addictions are rightly called idolatry. The dopamine high involved has become an endless loop attraction . . . except that over time, new variations and thrills are necessary . . . and the enemy is always eager to suggest new pathetic variations on millenia old acting out behaviors whether homosexuality or sadomasochism or whatever.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

So do you believe in gay demons then or do people just naturally fall into whatever sin without any external demon influences?

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
reply to post by BO XIAN

So do you believe in gay demons then or do people just naturally fall into whatever sin without any external demon influences?

Mostly . . . YES. LOL.

It's an interesting question as to whether the perversities of selfish, arrogant, rebellious "heart deceitful, who can know it" human flesh

falls into sin

un-nudged or led by demonic influences.

Certainly I think we don't NEED such influences to do sinful things.

However, I believe they are virtually always there egging us on with greater or lesser influence depending on our past choices.

Actually, I don't believe in GAY demons. Demons are not really very happy, at all, much less very GAY and carefree, happy go lucky etc.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
reply to post by Renegade2283

1) Why do you think that? Where are you getting this info. trust me if that's how it was set up there would be no Christianity as that's obviously just a fantasy then. No one would believe it. The new testiment is 27 historic books that were put together at that meeting, not written there. They choose those ones as they were the most profetic and inspired etc etc.

The New Testament is an anthology, a collection of Christian works written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times by various writers, and canonically named for the early Jewish disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. In almost all Christian traditions today, the New Testament consists of 27 books.
Source: Wikipedia

First off plenty of people would believe it, just look at: Kris Angel, Scientology, Mormonism (Romney
), Satanism, etc..... They all have there fair share of followers.

As for your quote, notice how it says written at different times by different people. Just like I said. As for the "27 books" part, well Harry Potter has 7 books, that doesn't mean they where actually based on real historical documents from antiquity.
edit on 1-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by r2d246

2) I think what made Jesus different than other spiritual teachers is that he flew in the face of other teachers. His message was like this "you can't work your way to heaven. You can't do works to somehow be good enough. What you have to do instead is simply relinquish yourself to the spirit, allow the spirit to come into your life, and be born again.

This is the part that makes it even harder to believe, it is far too convenient. All I have to do is accept Jesus as my savior. No work, no progression, nothing difficult to do. Instead I must essentially "bow down" and worship someone. Dont you think Jesus wanted this, to be worshiped by people thousands of years after his death? Much like the Egyptian Pharaohs, only instead of building monumental statues and structures, he manipulated people into achieving the same goal. Even if you don't agree with me do you understand where I am coming from?

I look forward to your responses.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by r2d246


NEW EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT has plenty of references on such issues.

and journalist Lee Strobel's research into Christ is also impressive . . . turned his life around.

Of course, folks who wish to do their own thing . . . in more ways than one . . . will always find rationalizations regardless of whether it's alcoholism, lying, emotional or physical spouse or child abuse or ragaholism or whatever. Humans are very good at justifying their selfishness and excesses as well as their rebellions and idolatries.

Sexual addictions are rightly called idolatry. The dopamine high involved has become an endless loop attraction . . . except that over time, new variations and thrills are necessary . . . and the enemy is always eager to suggest new pathetic variations on millenia old acting out behaviors whether homosexuality or sadomasochism or whatever.

I understand what your trying to say, but it just doesn't make much sense.

Sure, some homosexuals are just in it for the sex, but just as many heterosexuals are in it for the same thing (probably more). Do you know how many heterosexuals I have met that just blindly seek loveless sex? A lot.

Why is it any more sinful for two men or women to have emotionless sex, than a heterosexual couple to do so?

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Actually, I don't believe in GAY demons. Demons are not really very happy, at all, much less very GAY and carefree, happy go lucky etc.

So you are insinuating that all gay people are carefree, happy go lucky, etc...?

That is called generalizing and it is just another form of bigotry. Why should anyone consider your opinion if you cant make a point with out bigotry?

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

It may be difficult for some Non-Christians to walk and chew gum at the same time.

However, most Christian psychologists do quite well at managing to be both Christians AND psychodlogists

IN THEIR PRACTICE of Christian Psychology.

World views matter.
Cosmology matters.
Beliefs matter.

One size does NOT fit all.

Then WHY are you imposing YOUR worldview, YOUR cosmology and YOUR beliefs on others??!!!!!

One size does NOT fit all is right. You have stated enough here for it to be clear that you denigrate Non-Christians as semi-retarded idiots. That's a counselor's best practice?? UM.....NO!!

The client is the best expert on THE CLIENT. Not YOU and your zealous Christian-demon-hellfire-judgment.

That's the problem with "psychologists"...they think of people as "patients" who are "ill" and hold themselves up as "experts" on those people, having the "cure" for what "ails" them. It's the medical model, NOT the client-self determination stance that (some, and in my opinion, GOOD) clinical social workers use.

You have NO PLACE imposing YOUR values on others. Your job is to validate the client's own subjective unease, and to help them determine the best course of action and the desired outcome.

NOT TO BIBLE-BASH THEM with your religious, self-righteous, "superior" opinions and judgment!!
Again, you are describing the methods of a "pastor" or "priest", not a decent and educated "psychologist". Your method, by definition, indicates you are prone to brainwashing susceptible and frightened, troubled people into buying your brand of fantasy-based worldview. Shameful. Quackery.

Sorry, I expect this will upset you, but that's how I see it. From a professional counselor's point of view.

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