posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 01:41 PM
No, I will not click that. Based on the op, it is an invitation, that if accepted, actually means the person clicking is inviting some bad mojo.
As for all of the "I AM" business, is it not interesting that all these new agers are so concerned about realizing they are God, and the term they
have for this is "I AM"...the name the God of the Bible told to Moses when moses asked God whose name he should say it was that sent him to Pharoah
and the Israelites?
I mean, why usurp the God of the Bible by using the term "I AM"? Makes me think that God is the Real one, and all you little god wannabes are the
usurpers, but you are being duped by the unseen powers.
Sounds crazy, all true. Truth told in love, be warned.