posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by ZeroUnlmtd
I really wouldn't be surprised if we start having bigger earthquakes, sinkholes, the next few months. I don't believe it's the end of the
world, but normally this time of the year the sun is weaker and the earths " shields"( so as to speak) are lower. But right now with the way the
planets are linking up ,and the new positioning of the sun with the middle of the milky way, the sun is still strong and the earth shields are
low....does that make sense? I don't have all the techno verbage correct.I know my definition is a little crass , sorry, ..but the scenario is the the earth is stressed. And with stress comes trouble. ...and of course, with 2 eclipse In a month( I think Nostradamus talked about that In
a quatrain) ,one lunar and one solar, it's just spookey!....
I do recall reading about an earth quake season somewhere awhile ago, but it was probably BS, and someone wanting their name in headlines ......
And besides, there has to be some change coming as the last lunar eclipse I saw ( personally witnessed) was when the red sox won the world
series and their curse was broken! That has to prove something! Lol!