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strong quake and strange sinkhole

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posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:41 PM
Now about 6 months ago I had a dream that I was watching the news and the headlines were about a huge sinkhole opening in central/south America on the day of an eclipse this year, and a strong 8.8 quake in the same region a day or two before the eclipse, now because I had that dream close to the other eclipses this year I naturally associated them with those yet they didnt happen but the dream is as real as you and me. I always have dreams of things yet to happen and they ALWAYS happen, just haven't gotten used to what time im seeing in advance but im sure now that I was seeing events 6 months ahead of schedule which is actually getting to be more common with my dreams now, so here's the things November is definitely the month of the last 2 eclipses so keep your eyes on the news for this devastating quake and huge strange sinkhole which people hear voices from within , both in central/south America region, I dont remember specifically the places but Brazil and panama sound familiar. The old prediction post is here , if Nov produces these 2 events then the I'll post more of the things ive seen in my dreams but ill wait so I dont cause unnecessary fearmongering and panic

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:08 PM
Hmmmm.... will be interesting to see if it happens. Let's hope not for safety sake, but hopefully for phrophecy sake. I've had dreams that have come true too. However, I'm not so sure a few dreams coming true , means you can put that weight on EVERY dream. Just saying.......

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 01:00 AM
I have had some disturbing dreams through out my life, more when i was younger, (I am almost 31 now). But then again I am sure that everyone else has had those sorts of "doom and gloom" dreams as well. Especially here on ATS, LOL. I have to take a break from it all sometimes!! Some seem so real to me, maybe like glimpses of the future where one feels more of the emotions in the others around you (i.e. if someone around you is afraid, most likely you will be afraid also..) I remember one distinct dream I had as a child of a VERY large spaceship appearing all of a sudden and everyone was anywhere from stunned to panic stricken.... I felt the sudden urge to get in a fast car an leave??!! Then woke up.. I have seen UFOs but nothing like THAT yet..
Interesting that others are having the earthquake dreams. THOSE SCARE THE $h*t outta me... And I have had quite a few of those (Cali. Resident LOL)
Like they say in terminator. "The future is uncertain"

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by MASTERODUNIVERSE

for the most part people see the future yet can't distinguish the difference between what they are doing in the dreams because there's been plenty of dreams when ill jus be watching movies that ive never seen before and when I wake up im like holy cow I cant believe I was flying a ship called Prometheus to see aliens, things like that are often confused, yet now being older ive started remembering the dreams in detail and can distinguish the difference in what im watching and what's really happening

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 08:16 PM
Massive Quake shakes Central America

was 7.4 but still 6 days before the eclipse, now the one i seen in my dream was 8.6-8.8 but suddenly its looking like a quake in that area of that scale around that time frame isn't such a stretch now is it.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by ZeroUnlmtd

Does the earth have an earth quake season? Just curious...I remember reading that somewhere....when is the eclipse? But we won't see it from us ..only Australia, is that correct?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Meldionne1

solar eclipse on the 13th but the one from my dream concerning the sinkhole was the lunar eclipse on the 28th i think, it could be the solar eclipse but i'm almost certain the big quake i'm talking about is just before the lunar eclipse and the sinkhole with voices coming from it is on the day of lunar eclipse, and no there isn't an earthquake season, we can fairly predict them due to seismology

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by ZeroUnlmtd

I really wouldn't be surprised if we start having bigger earthquakes, sinkholes, the next few months. I don't believe it's the end of the world, but normally this time of the year the sun is weaker and the earths " shields"( so as to speak) are lower. But right now with the way the planets are linking up ,and the new positioning of the sun with the middle of the milky way, the sun is still strong and the earth shields are low....does that make sense? I don't have all the techno verbage correct.I know my definition is a little crass , sorry, ..but the scenario is the the earth is stressed. And with stress comes trouble. ...and of course, with 2 eclipse In a month( I think Nostradamus talked about that In a quatrain) ,one lunar and one solar, it's just spookey!....
I do recall reading about an earth quake season somewhere awhile ago, but it was probably BS, and someone wanting their name in headlines ......
And besides, there has to be some change coming as the last lunar eclipse I saw ( personally witnessed) was when the red sox won the world series and their curse was broken! That has to prove something! Lol!

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Meldionne1

every end of times/age scenario in every culture has a big earthquake , but the one i seen in my dream was all over CNN due to its magnitude and the sinkhole isn't a normal sinkhole , this one will be in the middle of a city street and so large that the buildings around it drop in there, and they locals will report hearing strange angelic voices coming from within, both will be reported and discussed to the point you can't miss it, just reference back here when it happens

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:38 PM

Officials: “Event” has occurred at giant sinkhole — Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)
Published: November 27th, 2012 at 4:49 pm ET

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