posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 10:02 PM
Originally posted by MDDoxs
As a side note.
I always feel nervous for bringing up T/C as i feel i will be punished for doing so. Is that normal?
Thank you for asking this question. As a new member here boy can I relate! I wish ATS (and planet) earth came with a rule book lol that would make the
transition into joining these internet communities easier no doubt. The more I get used to being here the process does seem to get easier. I always
approach fellow members with respect, my problem is seeing all sides of the issue at hand I guess you could say. Sometimes it is hard to "pick a
side" on certain issues.
Then I feel (for lack of a better word) concerned I am doing something wrong. Recently a mod made a reply in a thread I made about his view towards
video games. This was one of such occurrences you could say. I was not sure how to reply honestly.. I could see why he held such a view towards games
in general but I politely explained my view about games and what they meant to me, and why TV for instance seemed less engaging for the
"protagonist" or "antagonist" involved lol
Maybe it is something with the name "mods" that bugs me lol. Now I find myself asking questions about the T/C agreement in a thread started by a
mod! I can tell you the feeling that you are doing something "wrong" is quite heavy at least from my perspective right now. Hopefully as time goes
on this feeling will get easier. Do you "guys" or possibly "gals" have any advice? Until I am more comfortable with the nature of our T/C
agreement I feel I should just be a passive observer of this wonderful community. It is just after so long that becomes quite boring lol so you want
to get involved!
Thank you for your time