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Canada says UN official who called for Israel boycott should quit

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posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:41 PM
According to , Canada has joined the United States and Israel late Thursday night in calling for the resignation of a United Nations official charged with monitoring and reporting on human rights in the Palestinian territories.

Richard Falk, the UN's special rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, called for a worldwide boycott earlier Thursday of companies tied to Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
That recommendation was immediately condemned by the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who called Falk's call to action "irresponsible and unacceptable," and said it would "poison the environment for peace."
A spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, Rick Roth, said Falk's intervention was "offensive and unhelpful but not overly surprising."
In the past, Falk, a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, once compared the state of Israel to Nazi Germany, the Associated Press reported.
He also once wrote on his blog that there was "an apparent coverup" by the U.S. over the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. He also once posted an anti-Semitic cartoon on his blog, though he later removed it.
"Richard Falk has a long history of making outrageous statements, and frankly, has only tarnished the reputation and integrity of the United Nations," Roth said.
Falk listed 13 companies that ought to be boycotted -- including Volvo, Caterpillar Hewlett Packard and Motorola -- in his report to the UN General Assembly


posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Do you have any thoughts of your own on the topic you posted?

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:48 PM

That recommendation was immediately condemned by the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who called Falk's call to action "irresponsible and unacceptable," and said it would "poison the environment for peace."

How does preventing bulldozers and foreign companies from crushing Palestinians homes, poison the environment for peace.

The statements made by the US and Canadian Ambassador is unbelievable. How can you say you are trying to promote peace, when you allow these companies to flatten a entire country and its people.


posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Do you have any thoughts of your own on the topic you posted?

I think , this is outrageous . They are trying to defame him . Shame on Canada

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:56 PM
I'm a proud Canadian and an even prouder Newfoundlander but I think Canada is going down the wrong path. The decisions made by this government will only hurt us in the long run. Which is why I'm moving to Hong Kong next year if the world doesn't end, lol.
edit on 26-10-2012 by RedShirt73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by RedShirt73
I'm a proud Canadian and an even prouder Newfoundlander but I think Canada is going down the wrong path. The decisions made by this government will only hurt us in the long run. Which is why I'm moving to Hong Kong next year if the world doesn't end, lol.
edit on 26-10-2012 by RedShirt73 because: (no reason given)

Canada used to act neutral in the past . Now it is acting weird . I think your leader has some kind of problem with Arabs .

edit on 26-10-2012 by UltraMarine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Canada used to act neutral in the past . Now it is acting weird . I think your leader has some kind of problem with Arabs .

edit on 26-10-2012 by UltraMarine because: (no reason given)

I wouldn't doubt that one bit, lol. I don't like our PM or the vast majority of his policies.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:12 PM
Want to see the cartoon? "The cartoon, in fact, depicted a dog wearing a shirt labeled “USA” and a yarmulke marked with a Star of Zion devouring a bloody human carcass. Lady Justice stands by blindfolded, holding the dog’s leash as it urinates on her feet."
(from this site, not that I do/do not endorse the site, just looking for a copy of the cartoon from a site that is not zionist: )
Pretty accurate I'd say. He is anti-zionist not anti-semitic. The organization, whose very name suggests they are on the look-out for any wrongful actions on behalf of the UN are a blatantly zionist organization, as can be seen just by looking at their site.

Yeah, our govt, including the opposition parties as far as I'm aware, are all unashamedly zionist, much to our detriment whether people realize it or not.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Voltaire

(and another from Voltaire, reminiscent of Netanyahu with his absurd bomb chart:
“I have only ever made one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it.”)

edit on 26-10-2012 by curiouscanadian777 because: add comment

edit on 26-10-2012 by curiouscanadian777 because: *trying to add pic but don't know

edit on 26-10-2012 by curiouscanadian777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by UltraMarine

The Jewish people and Judaism was hi jacked by an saturn god( the devil satan)
Israel stands for (isis ra and el saturn) The ROTHSCHILDS own the U.N.
These devils are to blame not the israeli people or there true religion .
IN 10 YEARS.I understand what the evil ones have done to ISRAEL.
Put the blame where it deserves to go, to the evil kabbalah CULT.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:45 PM
I can't wait to see the day that the West hops off of Israels tally-whacker. I'm not even involved in politics and I feel embarrassed for these people.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by curiouscanadian777

I attempted to look at the cartoon on your link but here is what it said:

Richard Falk has removed the controversial cartoon from his personal blog. The cartoon was not anti-Christ or anti-Islam which are considered kosher as part of ‘freedom of speech’ in the West. The cartoon, in fact, depicted a dog wearing a shirt labeled “USA” and a yarmulke marked with a Star of Zion devouring a bloody human carcass. Lady Justice stands by blindfolded, holding the dog’s leash as it urinates on her feet.

According to Falk the cartoon was meant to show Washington’s double standards related to the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrants for Libyan President Qaddafi and his son.

That being said, and regardless of the political statements, I don't think the UN should be encouraging boycotts on US and EU companies because they in turn are not boycotting others. I don't know, but it reminds me of grade school. If you like so and so, I won't like you any more, na na na.

Also, wouldn't it be a bit like shooting one's self in the foot????

The U.S. has been the largest financial supporter of the U.N. since the organization’s founding in 1945. The U.S. is currently assessed 22 percent of the U.N. regular budget and more than 27 percent of the U.N. peacekeeping budget. In dollar terms, the Administration’s budget for FY 2011 requested $516.3 million for the U.N. regular budget and more than $2.182 billion for the peacekeeping budget.[2]

However, the U.S. also provides assessed financial contributions to other U.N. organizations and voluntary contributions to many more U.N. organizations. According to OMB, total U.S. contributions to the U.N. system were more than $6.347 billion in FY 2009.[3] This is more than $1 billion more than total contributions as compiled by OMB for FY 2005,[4] and it is indicative of the rising budgetary trends in the U.N. and the consequential demand on U.S. financial support.

The EU is the single largest financial contributor to the UN system. The EU funds 38% of the UN's regular budget, more than two-fifths of UN peacekeeping operations and about one-half of all UN Member States' contributions to UN funds and programmes.

For its part, the European Commission is also a significant UN partner, contributing over €1 billion in support of external assistance programmes and projects. The financial and contractual aspects of programmes funded by the Commission have been streamlined through the use of the Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (FAFA).

FOUND the cartoon on this link, scroll down a page or two:
edit on 26-10-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by UltraMarine

This response, to immediately blast the messenger, is quite usual.
see: Israel keeps shooting the messenger thread started by ModernAcademia, regarding Israeli and US response to Goldstone Report. Notice especially that no one posted any response.

"Israel's tactic – I've also experienced this myself – is that rather than discuss the message, they talk about the messenger and try to discredit the auspices or the person who's bringing critical assessments of their behaviour.

This is true, it's not only true it's also immensely widespread this tactic, I see it everywhere.

"They don't make any effort to engage in the substantive debate because they really can't do that with any degree of effectiveness."

In the present instance the US and Canadian Ambassadors call for dismissal rather than discuss the issue, which is Profiteering by companies engaged in illegal activities.

The Report is here:

As Israel accelerated expansion of illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in continued defiance of United Nations resolutions and international human rights and humanitarian law, Israeli and international companies profiting from the settlements should be boycotted,

A/67/379 19 September 2012 report forwarded to General Assembly

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 06:37 PM
Without hatred between Jews and Arabs, they can't manufacture the future battle of Armageddon.
The biblical prophecies, that's what Bibi & Harpy have been ordered to replicate.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Here is the picture from your link

Title : RIchard Falk's cartoon

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:56 PM
After looking at this pic , I understand why they hate him so much

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:15 AM
None of the Canadian leaders have a backbone anymore they just do what the United States does, it's sad. I'm canadian and I know most of the people I talk to about elections don't even care if they vote because everyone seems the same.

Jack Layton was the only leader of a political party that seemed like he might have a backbone but he died of cancer last year, Stephen Harper is a joke I never liked him. So before you go and blame canada as a whole just know that like in most countries in the world the majority of the people in the country don't exactly agree with what their government says and does.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 02:38 PM
I am a Canadian citizen of 27 years and agree with Mr. Falk. Thus invalidating the point that all of Canada is against him, I am not, and I could think of a few friends of mine who are also on his side. The hostile takeover of the P*lestine is parallel to the very same struggles that Israel claims from years ago. Shameful, and like the hypocrite, they impose the same conditions on others as were put on them by the Nazi party.

This is not unlike what happens to kids who are punished by their parents, they do what their parents did best. Parents tell their son not to drive fast, so he drives fast. Forbid the daughter from drinking and partying, she is out all night. So Israel learned how to be enslaved, and now they use that knowledge to enslave others. At least there is a voice of dissent to be heard regarding these modern bullies

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by UltraMarine

Looks like the izraeli takeover of Canada is now complete. You have my condolences. Just know youre not alone.

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