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What Is You Reaction To This Poster? ["Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!]

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posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Rings the same to me as saying "Some people have low IQs, GET OVER IT!".

I'm not wrong, some people are. They're born that way, but we don't give them busses. Well, not long ones..

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 10:58 PM
It really is pretty simple.

If you are opposed to homosexuality, then don't participate in it. It's not mandatory.

If you are opposed to gay marriage, don't have one, it's not mandatory.

It's not our right to make it mandatory that they can't participate in it if they are gay. To each his/her own if they are consenting adults and don't have sex out in public. That goes for gay and straight alike. Nobody wants to see two (or more) people fawning all over each other in public, nobody wants to see the long makeout sessions regardless of gender and heaven forbid people having intercourse of any kind out in public. The same rules apply to all groups, you have sex in private. Simple as that. They are no different than anyone else and if they wish to be married and enjoy the government provided benefits of being married, then more power to them. It doesn't affect my relationship in any way, it doesn't affect your relationship in any way (or we would hope not, since I can't imagine how it would).

It REALLY IS that simple.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by LeoStarchild
I have no problem with homosexuality. My only problem is when gay people promote it as the new 'norm' when in fact it is not. Gayness does not perpetuate the human race.

I don't think it's about gay people promoting it as a norm it's about being marginilised for so long and making your voice heard.

Nobody was being critical over the women who took Birmingham Council to court last week over pay equality,look at the fuss we've had last week in the UK over racism in football.We even had the gay couple who won in court over not being allowed to share a bed at a b&b the Nicolas Ferage tweeted their address and urged protesters to give them some 'drama'.

When the case first hit the news in 2010 i thöught the couple should have dropped it and that people should have a say who they let in their house.Now seeing they were christians that was hard cos I've no issues with gay people but religion I do not like but I felt they were making too much of it.

Thing is they weren't.First off the law says you cannöt discriminate when providing a service professional.Their house is their business so they cant discriminate.

Secondly if you start making particular exceptions when you can discriminate then where will it end ~ no muslims,no polish,no blacks,no celtic supporters.Either we have equal rights through the board or we don't.

It struck me more so with the racism thing in football when certain black players wouldnt let it drop my first thought was what are the moaning makiing a fuss out of it but then as I said it struck me how can i possibly know what it's like to see it from the black side of the debate being from the majority,white,native population and never felt any discrimination.Clearly they feel let down enöugh to be vocal and suggest setting up a black players union so maybe our society isnt as equal as we thought it was as patted ourselves on thd back,congratulating ourselves.

As I said,women taking the council to court over equal pay,a more vocal gay lobby making its voice heard because maybe some people are still more equal than others.

I'm noticing that a lot,when the gay lobby demand to truly be accepted and given the rights their due people jump up and accuse then of wanting be the norm.Thats crap.

We heterosexuals,of which i am and always have been 100% are the normal,the default setting and the 'gays' arent trying to steal our patch but get recognised and äccepted for what the really are,which is in the end just people.

i dön't want to sound a dick,crass of boastful but i've had a real full,varied and exciting sex life this last 25 years (yes entirely hetro in thought and deed) and you know something,not one second was about perpetuating the human race believe me,nor will ever be.

We're over 7 billion now,we're not on any endangered list just now,a few more gay couples will help with the overpopulation we're seeing now.

Gay people have a right to speak out for their rights too but there's not the same sense gay men are accepted as worthy like when its race or womens issues,presumeably it's peoples feelings about two men having sex that colour the issue.That in the end is the crux of the matter.

i can't understand how a man could prefer another man to a woman,to me thats crazy but some do,if I did I'd be at it no bother,gay sex would be damn good,i reckon if it didnt involve another I mean is it's sex thats all,isnt bad,isnt wrong and people shouldnt be labelled for who they lf@#k,as long as its legal and consenting.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by DENBY
I do however demand & am entitled to your respect.
NO you are NOT entitled to demand respect.

Originally posted by Wonderer2012
Something similar was banned-

pull the adverts booked by two conservative Anglican groups following outrage among gay campaigners and politicians saying that they were homophobic.
The advert was due to say: "Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!"

Wow, talk about double standards. Why is one advert promoted,
yet the other : "Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!" banned ? ? ?
Obviously this is NOT a human rights issue, but about pushing a
political agenda or else there would be no double standards.

Originally posted by subject x
"get over it" was coined as an oral sex reference.

* *
* *


edit on 28/10/12 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by fastbob72

We're over 7 billion now,we're not on any endangered list just now,a few more gay couples will help with the overpopulation we're seeing now.

Valid points & great post; in fact, another banner could read, "Some people are eugenicists. Get over it!"

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by fastbob72

I starred your post, but I just don't feel that is enough.

You made some excellent points and related it to ways that others can understand that may not have before.

If I weren't already in favor of equal rights for all, your post would have caused me to consider it more and I applaud you for that.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:22 AM
The OP hit the nail on the head, it's not about others being gay, or straight. It's about the "peer pressure" being applied to MAKE it that way.

I received a tweet recently from morgan freeman, something about it's not a phobia, you're just an *******.

Now ok, if you're going to stoop to that kind of stupid ... why even bother responding?? But what made me angry, was the whole "Hoorah locker room male ego BS" that came with it. It's that same male hoorah rubbish that made the "gay" problem in the first place? So these same people telling me to get over it are the one who haven't learned yet. It has become a pride thing, ego thing, whatever to "support" gay pride.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 06:00 AM
Some people are gay, I don't care!

I don't see how that campaign would have any impact on anyone without an agenda or experience with homosexuality, confrontational? No.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by moonrunner
Some people are gay, I don't care!

I don't see how that campaign would have any impact on anyone without an agenda or experience with homosexuality, confrontational? No.

Its just another tactic at creating victims.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 05:31 PM

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 05:53 PM
The whole "Get over it!" thing feels like I am getting flipped the bird!!!

Like telling me to f*** off!!!

That kind of energy is counter productive to peace, harmony, love, tranquility and acceptance. Gay tolerance today is nothing like it was 25 years ago. Here in So Cal, today homosexuality is a non issue. No one really cares and God forbid you ever say anything negative in public or at work lest you have the full brunt of minority, gay and lesbian rights slamming down on you.

Chill out! You will get all the rights you want. Most everyone is on your side. Personally, it would be nice to not have to be exposed to homosexuality on nearly every TV show or movie... but oh well!!! The days of being straight seem to be coming to an end. Be gay, be cool!

I still have my doubts on the whole nature versus nurture argument... but it is always easier to blame things on something that is out of our control than to take personally accountability for our actions.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I see what you mean in some ways. Although I hardly would consider it a big's sort of like if the bus just said, "I'M STRAIGHT, GET OVER IT!"...People would be like....that's nice...who cares, want a cookie? Most people probably don't give a # one way or the other and to assume they do is almost forcing them to have some sort of grudge to get over rather then simply not care. Drawing attention to something that isn't an issue is a good way to attempt to make it an issue. At the same time though I'm not familiar with your local culture, perhaps such a movement was needed, of course if that's the case, something more clever might have been more productive.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

You know what that bus should say, "Treat people with respect even if you don't follow their beliefs."

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:06 PM
So there are gay people, what do they want us to do? Throw them a parade?

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

No, but since I'm not gay I would probably change the channel to something I found more interesting. Just because I'm tolerant of people that are gay doesn't mean I have to enjoy watching them be gay. That's a matter of taste. I'm not gay, so generally I don't go out of my way to watch gay people. This is particularly true of gay men, but that's because I'm a man and I'm not gay. Watching two lesbians make out is still attractive to me because they are woman, and since I'm not gay I find woman to be beautiful, and watching two beautiful women play with each other is appealing to my heterosexual self. Like living sexy art. Does that make me less tolerant? I don't think so, it just means I have a certain sexual taste. It's not like if I saw two men making out in public like I would say anything to them, I simply wouldn't watch because I'm not interested in doing so.
edit on 31-10-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:15 PM
How do I feel about that sign? It is ridiculous. What a joke.

The strongest evidence seems to indicate that homosexual behavior is psychological. The fact that the brain given the right conditions, can force the pituitary gland to release more of one hormone than the other, has given credence to the myth that gays are wired differently or "born that way". That is an outright lie and its what they tell each other to justify their behavior and make themselves feel normal. The brain's chemistry changes with outside stimuli (How you are raised, your social environment, friends etc etc.) and one's impulses and behavior is shaped.

The fact is, gay or homosexual behavior is far from normal and the political correctness behind the whole thing is revolting and we need to stop pandering to these people. If you are a male and you act like a pansy, you are an embarrassment and should feel ashamed and be proactive in changing the behavior. Question why or what influence, parenting or trauma led you to feel that way. You should be receiving psychological help, not encouragement.
edit on 3-11-2012 by Unidentified_Objective because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 04:07 AM


posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 12:59 PM


posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:25 PM
I remember seeing this poster on buses in town. It didn't bother me because I have no problem with gay people. I did have a sneaky look around at everyone around me to see if anyone looked offended as the buses passed by but to be honest, we're so inundated with signs, posters and advertising all over the place, it seemed like just another load of information flashing us as we went about our lives.

What I'd really be interested in though, is whether it made a few homophobes stop and think and change their minds completely. I somehow doubt it!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
So there are gay people, what do they want us to do? Throw them a parade?

Erm.. smart ass.

Well yeah. They do. We do. Done deal. Have at it. Shout it out. Now shut up and go on with getting equal right in all 50 so you can get married and streamline the effect of YOU TOO being overlorded by the government in all of your affairs.. both civil and criminal and in all phases of legality due to your right to a govt sanctioned marriage.

Im still wondering WHY they want the govt in their homes, bedrooms and lives. Hell, Im hetero and even I resented the fact that I couldnt make the decision to live with my husband for my lifetime, combine our finances, file our taxes, involve healthcare, buy a home with both names on the deed, settle end of life issues and property allocation upon death.. or the rest of the so-called "perks" of marriage without having to do all of this nonsense to make it "legal" according to the government.
But hey, thats me.

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