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Social engineering & mainstreaming of inappropriate relationships: "Pretty Little Liars"

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posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:41 PM
(Note: This is a social issue because it relates to a possible media conspiracy to mainstream "unorthodox" relationships as part of a social-engineering agenda, which is why I think it belongs in the "social issues" forum.)

The popular TV series "Pretty Little Liars" is aimed at young adults and is televised by ABC Family (slogan: "a new kind of family"). It features an inappropriate relationship between a high-school teacher, "Ezra," and his high-school student "Aria."

Although this is an inappropriate relationship, the series does not portray it that way: it GLORIFIES this situation. There are numerous romantic scenes between the two. For example:

The girl's friends are all sympathetic and help her keep this secret. When her parents find out and object, they are portrayed as mean and unreasonable for wanting to break up this pair of "star crossed lovers." The sneaking around they must do to keep their relationship going is a plot device used to heighten the "excitement" and "allure" of their forbidden "love."

Even leaving aside the issue of whether or not she is underage (I suppose its conceivable that a high school student is over age 18 or lives in a state where the age of consent is lower), a relationship between a HIGH SCHOOL teacher and student is NEVER appropriate.

Why is this being pushed by a major network...on its "Family" label no less? Why is this being aimed at impressionable teens? This is SICK and WRONG.

Just another brick in the wall of Hollywood's attempt to pervert society and rescast social evil as good and even glorious.

If you are the parent of a young girl (or boy) this should make you very angry. Do you know what the TV is teaching your children about right and wrong?

edit on 10/25/2012 by FailedProphet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

You sure are passionate about this. Your strong cultural views are evident. But whenever I see that sort of judgemental approach, I always wonder why views like that are any more valid than a person's view that a more liberal outlook is OK. Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating anything one way or the other. I am just commenting on your (perfectly permissable) strong views. But to finish, I think I might have a way for you to not be hassled by all of those shows. There's a little button on most TVs that says ON/OFF. Clicking it does wonders

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

If you watch Pretty Little Liars you'll notice it's not just Aria who they promote with older men. The 'smart' girl of the group, Spencer Hastings, is portrayed with a few men out of college when she is clearly still in high school, even though they aren't her teacher, it's obvious they're over aged and she's under aged. Also the main character who was murdered, Alison, is portrayed with absolutely no men her age, they are all older, before she is murdered. Also college girls shown with father ages, it has it all. PLL has caused sort of an uproar lately because of how much more sex they've promoted this season than in the earlier seasons. It is a great show for murder, cliff hanger types, but, Yes it does promote to a younger audience and has quite a bit of mature content while doing so.
A lot of television shows cross the line these days.. But parents do have the right to tell their kids what they can and can't watch.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

What do you know about what is inappropriate (you used that word a lot), what is appropriate, what is sick, or what is wrong and what isn't ?

People like you scare me more than the people who made this show, do you realise that ? I wonder what you would say if suddenly you were transported through time 400 years back.. or even 2 thousands years back .. I wonder which character you would chose to incarnate.

Anyway, I know this show only by name, never watched it and probably never will.. but again, I am more scared by your thoughts than by this show.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

I will admit, PLL is probably one of my favorite shows of all times. I notice you point out the age of relationships that bother you, but there are a lot of controversial topics in the show, gay couples in highschool, murder, drugs and alcohol, constant scandals, lots of partying, sex, psychotic high school kids, dirty cops, lawyers, bad parents, no ones 'good' or 'perfect' to set examples in that show necessarily. It is a show based on blackmail and lies, hints the name, literally. It is based off a best selling novel, if you watch it more you might like it, its well written and well shot. I am in my 20's and I feel it appeals more to my age than younger. But I see your issue in the ages of relationships,but it's odd you point that out only out of the very controversial show.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by gosseyn

Can't believe I have to explain why this is wrong, but I guess I do.

1) Pedophilia is wrong. If you can't accept that you are too far gone for me to argue with. A relationship between an adult and a high-school girl usually involves an underaged girl and thus is pedophilia.

2) As I noted in the first post, it's possible that she is one of the small number of high school students of legal age. I don't know but I don't think the show says either way. But even if she is, a romantic relationship between a high school student and her teacher is an abuse of power by the older adult who is supposed to be mentoring and educating her, not seducing her.

3) This show is aimed at young adults, who are getting the message that this kind of abuse is acceptable and een romantic. This is wrong and dangerous.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Katharos62191

Thanks for your comments. There are other things in that show that bother me but the worst is the mainstreaming of a relationship like this and the message that it is correct and even admirable.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by gosseyn

Liberal vs. Conservative views in a classic clash, there's nothing unusual in the op piece. He doesn't approve of the slippery slopes this show is promoting, and the desensitization it provides for viewership. The controversy it creates is already resolved by the laws of the land : In the US and Canada it gives grounds for immediate dismissal. In fact, the same applies to most places of employment across the board, and I haven't worked in one job where romances between an employee and a client or another employee was promoted (except restaurants).
You object to a concientous objector, or to a conservative censor over the promotion of a situation which no school in your country would stand for, and you're "scared" by those thoughts? He's only toeing the line as he sees it.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by steve1709

Very true.

I don't understand why some people can't shut off the idiot box long enough to realize that no one else cares about their quaint cultural views.

Though in my opinion, there's NO excuse for a teacher to mingle with an underage student...ever.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

1) It's not pedophilia

Seriously you're oversocialized and out of touch with reality.

It's NATURAL for an older man to seek a younger fit woman.

Here in Texas there is a Romeo and Juliet law where someone up to 19 can be with someone as young as 15.

That's not pedophilia, either.

Pedophilia is having a preferential attraction towards prepubescent children.
edit on 25-10-2012 by moniesisfun because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

You know what, you can imagine even the most horrible, disgusting and hideous act, and you can be sure that it has been committed by someone in the history of mankind. What you chose to complain about is, in comparison, not important, even cheesy. Do you think it has never happened that a schoolgirl or boy fell in love with the teacher ? Really ? And is it forbidden then to portray reality ?

You find abnormal that a 25yo teacher has sex with a 16yo student, yes ? But do you find normal that a 16yo student has sex with another 16yo student ? If yes, then why ?

Should paedophilia depend on the law, or should it be a scientific argument ?

It is ok to have sex with someone who is 17 and 11 months, or is it not ?

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

I completely understand where you're coming from. Teacher / student relationship is always wrong, especially to promote. To be a nerd for a moment though; When Ezra Fitz, the teacher, met Aria, it was in a bar because she is 18 and she did lie to him about being in college. When he found out she was a student and in his class that upcoming school year, he left her and said they couldn't be together. He told her it was wrong and didn't want to lose his career and was furious she lied to him to put him in jeopardy like that. When they did get more serious, they made sure the parents consented, and he left his position teaching at that school to be with her. I will never say or fight for it to be right because I know its not because it sends a bad message, but they did attempt to try and make it look better than just him knowing it was wrong and not doing anything about it. Not defending the controversial relationship, just pointing out the story line.
Now shows that do scare me for what they are promoting to our kids are things like Sons of Anarchy. That stuff scares me. Lol.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:53 PM
marking to watch later.....

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