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NWO good or bad for us?

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posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:14 AM
Is the NWO good or bad for us? A freind of mine says that there is no meed to worry about them because we will need them in time. Besides, if they were bad for us we would have no way of stopping them because of thier far superior technolgy.
Also, will the NWO snipe me down if I publicaly announce thier existance and form an anti-NWO task-force made of common people?

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:42 AM
Can somebody help me? I need to know before I go out and either support or go-against an orginazation that I don't know whether it is good or bad. and I need to know now.

[edit on 19-10-2004 by spock_the_vulcan]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:52 AM
I actually know a bit abour them. We should be careful but not stage any anger against them at this time. If it becomes apparent that we should, then, well. Something wicked this way comes.


posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:56 AM
You mean NWO as in engineering an oligarchic society with a global government, masterminded by a greedy wealthy elite who maintain their status quo with economic monopolies, while the government control the public by trading their rights in for 'protection' from the 'terrorist threat'?

If you believe that such a socio-political paradigm is under construction, then you would be foolish to embrace it, in my opinion. Social engineering of this kind has, historically, been undertaken by those who wish to suppress and rule. eg Communism, Naziism etc.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:00 AM
But it's clear! All I'm saying is the reason America is setting up Democracy in all of the countries is because eventually through that the great world powers in democracy people would not like WMDs, or something like that. I'm going to accept because I think we didn't really need the U.N. i mean, we could do what we wanted anyway, it's a quick Black-Operation cover-up.


posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by AeroQuake
But it's clear! All I'm saying is the reason America is setting up Democracy in all of the countries is because eventually through that the great world powers in democracy people would not like WMDs

Do you mean setting up, and forcing people to accept "American democracy" Geez, that's like Hitler saying, "accept my freedom"

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:14 AM
That's not what I meant. What we are doing in Iraq is an example, We're forcing them to accept it, And I get it now, too.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by spock_the_vulcan

Can somebody help me? I need to know before I go out and either support or go-against an orginazation that I don't know whether it is good or bad. and I need to know now.

[edit on 19-10-2004 by spock_the_vulcan]

First thing, if you value your freedom, then NWO is a bad thing. If you don't, sure embrace them with open arms.

Second, if you are going to set-up an anti-NWO task force, then don't publicize it. I say go for it, but be careful who you tell. This task-force should be only for defence and survival, not for aggression. You do not stand a chance against the much superior NWO. For some tips on survival, visit my topic on NWO survival.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:21 AM
I wouldn't even talk about setting up an anti-NWO task force, or anything of the kind - you will be labelled a terrorist. Instead of directly opposing a totalitarian establishment, you would be better served by striving to maintain your own personal integrity - excercise things like freedom of thought, freedom of movement (emmigrate if you have to), freedom of deed - things that an NWO would have you deprived of.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:34 AM

I think that the NWO being a good or bad thing depends upon the character and morality of the leadship. If led by a moral man, it might be a good thing, but there is an old saying that exists from previous past experience "absolute power corrupts absolutely." From experience with human nature, I do not think this will be good at all.

It was Ronald Reagan who said something to the effect of "the survival and thriving of democracies depends upon each individual choosing to do the right, moral thing." (paraphrased) I think he is absolutely right.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:09 PM
Ok, i think ppl who have that opinon about the nwo, just plain hav'nt been researching it long enough. Well I have, and they want 80% of the human population on this planet dead. I dont care what way you look at it, that is evil, and it should be stoped.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by spock_the_vulcan

No need to worry as we will be needing them soon... I have never laughed so much. In the bible it say we will fall down and accept their rule because we as a race will not be able to survive without them. So in a way he is right but in other ways it is the most stupid thing I have read. if you sit back and wait for it then you might as well tell them to chip you now. Oh right yeh sorry some of you alreay are...

Look NWO is good and bad. They play both sides of the fence, it is a means to bring about peace across teh globe, but this has been tried throughout history and the people always win the end of days battle. No body wants to be ruled over, that is human nature and free will, you can not # with free will! GET ME?

A revolution sparks when so many of us say no to this NWO, they understan this and so do I. I am preparing myself for war, not to take part in it, but just to prepare because there will be some people who will fight, others who will cry and run away and more so than not, people who will just bow down and accept their rulership. I am preparing to survive the darkness by accepting God's light, maybe we all need to do the same?

2012 will be the bigeest load of #e ever, we will see things, hear things and basically be subjected to change that we do not want or understand. That is why we say WAKE UP NOW in preparation for it.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:34 AM

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 06:52 PM
I have mixed feelings about NWO but I dont know everything about it, just what I have researched these past few years

What I believe they stand for is multiple things....

Central world govt. I actually think a central govt can be a good thing. It would put an an end to wars which are often perpetuated by too much national pride. National pride has been what was used in most war propaganda. I think national pride is only good in the Olympics and other sporting events. A central govt if run correctly could improve a lot of things in the world.

Putting the worlds ecosystem back in harmony. We have destroyed so many species of animal and plant life and it is increasing at an alarming rate. The global warming trend is a part of it as well as using the huge govt resources for climate engineering. The UN Agenda 21 plan wants to create vast wildlife preserves that will be off limits to humans. This is needed not only for preservation of the wildlife that is left but over a long period of time will enable the regrowth of forests which will help to heal our atmosphere. Unfortunately, the creation of these vast wildlife preserves will displace many of us from our existing homes. My home is on the edge of a mid sized existing conservation reserve now so I expect to be displaced or hopefully just allowed to work as one of the caretakers of the preserve and they will let me continue to live in my already eco-friendly home.

A one world religion. I am not affiliated with any religion anymore but do believe in a divine power that connects us all. Religion has been the cause of most of our wars going back through history. I think many of the mainstream religions really want the same thing and pray to the same god just under a different name and follow the teachings different prophets. Its the fanatical following of the obtuse details within each religion that separates us and causes conflict. I have heard that the NWO has a satanic background but that may or may not be true. Religions generally cast Lucifer as pure evil but I have read that his name really represents enlightenment and progress of man which is often associated with destruction and rebuilding and the destruction part is why his name is considered evil. The new world religion will most likely be a religion of putting our planets health well being first... i.e. worship nature. Again this is just from what I have read, I am trying to be unbiased

Population control. This is the sad story, the world is severely overpopulated which is why our world is being destroyed. Part of Agenda 21 is massive depopulation. It will probably be done through starvation, sterilization, man made viruses, contrived wars against Islam and outright mass executions for the densely populated areas. They seem to want to reduce the world population to between 500 million and 1 billion people. If you are against them or what Hitler called "Useless Eaters" then you are probably on the hit list for the executions. But... I believe without reducing the world population drastically, the continued damage to our world may go beyond repair very soon. Few people want to willingly say they support massive depopulation by a world govt but the flip side of that coin is without enacting the horror of eugenics then our world is environmentally doomed.

One world currency. I am in favor of this. It will stop the currency wars and financial manipulation that each country does to save their economy at the expense of the regular person on the street. Look what harm the vast swings in currency value has caused recently due to the currency wars going on.

NWO is real and it is nearing the next major phase in its long term plan. All I want to do is ride out the storm and continue to be a productive member of society but I am not sure if I will make the cut. I prepare my home with supplies to ride out the initial turmoil and keep assets that can be used for exchange during the shift to a world currency and live without power for extended periods. I am open to a new world religion so long as it is not sadistic in nature and is based on science and the expansion / enlightenment of the human soul without rituals and mysticism.

So I guess I consider NWO as a necessary evil. It is too big to fight against and already far into its its next phase. I am trying to educate the uninformed about these world events coming. I hope that doesnt put me on the hit list. I have posted enough stuff about my being a constitutionalist that I am probably already labeled.

posted on Jun, 30 2015 @ 02:36 AM
I feel that sooner or later with the progress of technology our nations will have to work together. Just look at the current events such as the construction of TPTA and the global warming initiative. We only have one planet and as resources are strained. More and more nations join forces.Russia and China are not apart of The TPTA but have join forces with India to create the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. In the end there could only be one. The real NWO will only come after a clean energy alternative come. Whoever creates it will rule the world.

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