reply to post by AlexIR
Just do some internal searches, meditation and even self hypnosis techniques are on youtube. Wakeups are not negative, though if a person is off
track, lowering frequency, participating in things that have a group karma, and not denouncing all the negative plans, they can sometimes be a mirror.
ie abuse of animals, being apathetic to nature and the pain and suffering all creatures great and small are going through, not searching out cruelty
free solutions as much as possible.
There are many things we cannot avoid. That kind of karma dump the bloodlines are doing is completely sleazy, like a used car sales person and the
only way to avoid some of this, is to have money, so only the yuppies can, in which case, its not valid in the least and their concept of blaming the
poor is extremely distorted along with their duality god and dark path ideas. Its not valid. Not to mention that the True Higher Ups and the good
cosmic people usually roll their sleeves and head to the trenches, they don't live yuppie lives.
So, for things like food, when sometimes you can't afford to not eat meat, you can't afford everything that it would take to be vegan. Well guess
what, there is no karma when you see through the system, see their plans, denounce them as crimes against humanity and the universe and are only a
hostile witness, yearning for and seeing the world you wish. Its undoes all their traps.
Also don't allow karma, see only forgiveness, healing, deprogramming and the universe's/heaven's best counselors not ever allowing anyone even the
dark side, to fall through the cracks here. Use Love and positivity and awareness. Denounce them and do whatever you can, but don't sweat whatever
you can't.
Wake ups are usually about deep soul searching and making changes in our lives. We have to strive to be as perfect and pure and loving as we can. We
came in here, for reasons, to change weaknesses into strengths, and possibly even make a difference in our lives with friends, family, even those
we're having a hard time with, turn the energies around, help others, and if we can to go further, to community, society, the world. In a sense, for
those waking up, think this way.
What would the citizens of heaven or the highest eutopias do here, how would they respond, we're called to become our future steps here, and to be the
cosmos helping this world here and now. Well one step at a time, as a person can, in a variety of circumstances, even health, for we are not all in
equal situations, and in unequal ones, someone giving more of themselves may be doing very little in the eyes of a worldly one. But that is not how
your Soul or Family judges. Someone giving very little, but in a sense their all, their emotions, their prayers, effort and intent and sharing the
little they have with those around them, in their circumstance is doing far better than a rich healthy individual donating even 20% of their income,
which could be millions to the poor, but living a self serving life.
edit on 24-10-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)