Watched the whole thing. Already forgot some of it. Very interesting history in it. I saw some of the authors that I had only read or listened to
I had never seen some the footage about Kennedy before. Alot of the footage later in the film set came from documentaries I've seen on cable tv.
Those documentaries are becoming edited. On Netflix for example, some of the episodes of "the Men Who Killed Kennedy" are available while others are
not. The MWKK episodes about the mob hiring Marseilles French Connection hitmen are available while the episodes with footage seen in this film are
not available on Netflix.
From the footage, Kennedy was kind of a totalitarian, not like Hitler per se, but Kennedy said "we will" alot. The collective "We" is somewhere
between a turn off and a nuclear air raid siren to many indedpendencely minded people. I mention this because if that perception was wide spread
there would be alot of apathy or even tacit support by many little people during the cover up later.
Sun Tzu said something like "The war lord who begins with strength will wear out, while the leader who begins weakly will win." Kennedy was a war hawk
during the election, running on the missle gap with the USSR, although he is all about peace in the assasination literature.
That could account for the success of the cover up.
Isn't there only one rifle in all of the official accounts of the assasination? And wasn't the Manlicher Carcano (the three shells and gun not there)
reported to be by the window or at least on the same floor? This film says that there was no Mannlicher Carcano found in the Texas School Book
Depository. Film also said the TSBD was owned by a croney of LBJ. Probably every public/private partnership building in Texas was owned by a croney
of LBJ at that time.
Never heard this before-- Oswald was walking on a direct line toward Jack Ruby's apartment until Officer Tippit was shot.
The last documentary I watched, "TMWKK", said Oswald died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
All of the info about Hoover is in Peter Dale Scott's book "Deep Politics and the Death of JFK" 1996.
Hoover said there was no Mafia. FDR liked Hoover alot.
The Mind Control subject matter at the end puts MKUltra in a new light. This film gives a better context to what MKU was really good for. Most of
the MKUltra stuff I've seen elsewhere sounds more like brain destruction rather than useful programming.
The film doesn't say anything directly about the conspiracy beyond LBJ, which leaves;
1) LBJ did it and got away with it. Everthing I've come across (audio books at about JFK that was written after 911 says this. I
suppose because of the Mack Wallace fingerprint.
"Who Shot JFK?" Robin Ramsay 2002
"Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK" Barr McClellan 2011
2) LBJ found out that it was going to happen and got onboard. This seems more likely because of the cover up, but has not been explicitly stated for
at least a decade.
edit on 26-10-2012 by Semicollegiate because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-10-2012 by Semicollegiate because: (no reason
edit on 26-10-2012 by Semicollegiate because: (no reason given)