posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:41 AM
I am not efficient at all.
Take this past Saturday for example. I was up at 7am, I drove 600 miles, arrived at my destination at 5pm. I then proceeded to get extremely drunk
until 4 the next morning....And I woke up at 7. For no good reason, just awake while everyone else stayed passed out until noon.
Last night I was up until maybe 12, nothing crazy. I woke up at 5 this morning. Which is kind of sleeping in for me. I'm usually up around 3:30 -
4am. But I'm on vacation. I have nothing I have to do.
I try to make the most of it. I get tons of stuff done early in the day, but it's getting old.
This happens every day. And once I wake up, I'm up. I can't get back to sleep.
Does this happen to anyone else? Any ideas on how to stay asleep longer?