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These next four years are going to be nasty

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posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 09:38 PM
Folks, I'm not an "Obama fan" or a "Romney fan." I'm not a "Democrat" or a "Republican." None of those things truly exist. This election was staged from the beginning, and TPTB are going to get the policies they want at any cost. It's very obvious why Ron Paul wasn't given a fair chance.

Here is what we know: Obama is going to win this election. There is not much doubt in my mind at this point. He wants a government-run country (well, TPTB do and Obama is just a puppet in the game) and that's what is going to happen. These next four years are going to be very tough. Healthcare services will greatly decline and already are (Im a medical social worker). This country is heading to a very dark place. Put on your hard hats ladies and gentlemen. It's going to be a rough journey to 2016.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Subconsciously Correct

I agree 100%.. America is in trouble the next 4 years for sure.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Yeah, the debates are pretty much a sham. They have to make the puppets dance every now and then to maintain the illusion of democracy. IMO these aren't presidential debates... they are jedi mind tricks for the undecided voters.

We're screwed within four years either way.

I smell a conspiracy a-brewin'!


posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Good News

There is a reset button and its always pushed at the right moment in time and space

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:05 PM
Everything that's important is going to stay the same, we'll be shafted either way. The difference is in the small things. If R wins the left will pretty much go along with it because libs are wimps. If the dems win then it will be troublesome because the talk of revolution and violence will be much louder. I forgot which sheriff or judge in TX or AZ recently said they needed money to fight the UN troops which will invade the US if Obama wins again...

But with either party we'll still have wars, reduction of rights, toilet-paper constitution and so on. Enjoy!

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:07 PM
what do you think, that america can go around the world and have the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands and there will be no consequences.

the whole country went down after 9/11 and what bush did to handle it.

if only bush tried to capture bin laden and try him as a common criminal then it could have showed the whole world that no man is above the law and values of the united states of america.

instead he started world war 3. and it has started.

and obama was no better. i bet that navy seal that shot osama could have captured him, and i bet his orders were to try to capture him alive if possible.

but at that point, the damage has already been done.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by randomname

Youre was a kill order from Obama

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by randomname
what do you think, that america can go around the world and have the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands and there will be no consequences.

the whole country went down after 9/11 and what bush did to handle it.

if only bush tried to capture bin laden and try him as a common criminal then it could have showed the whole world that no man is above the law and values of the united states of america.

instead he started world war 3. and it has started.

and obama was no better. i bet that navy seal that shot osama could have captured him, and i bet his orders were to try to capture him alive if possible.

but at that point, the damage has already been done.

So you bought the OS? Don't try selling it back to us. The whole thing's a [HOAX].

Even ats doesn't recognize 911 anymore. OK they still allow dissent, but no one wants to bother with a well known zionist [HOAX]. That should tell you something.

Bin Laden lololololololololo

laugh track just for you
edit on 22-10-2012 by davidmann because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Subconsciously Correct

Pffft, it's already been rough. Endless wars, murdering, theft, etc. its all been going on. Sure we're gonna have a purge or a climax if you will. Nevertheless, If you've taken up complacency for the past of your life, then you get the repercussions. Some have been preparing for these times for a long time, & many incarnated here to assist with the transition. It's only as bad as you make it. There will always be survivors.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by survival

Very true. Well put. There will always be survivors...and I do know people who have been stocking up on bullets, food, water,etc..

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 03:59 AM
I've wondered sometimes why none of the BIG names in politics have gone for the presidency this time around .....or were going to then changed their mind
I believe that none of the big names want their name associated with what's happened over the last presidency or the next ........they know what's going on and know what plans are in motion for the next 4 years and don't want to tarnish their family names or legacy with what is soon to come .......obamas a nobody .....expendable !

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by Subconsciously Correct

I just read your comments about a rough 4 years, and yes you are most likely right !! But l guess it is rough everywhere, some places a bit rougher than others and in your case, the USA do have some big problems to deal with... I guess it dosnt matter who wins, the pain will still be the same for Americans either way, But depending on who wins and how they manage the economy and expenditure it may be a tough 4 years with a happy ending, or alternatively it could be a tough 4 years with another tough 4 years and another tough 4 years.... At some point someone has to take the reigns and come up with a plan which will slowly turn things around.... without totally abandoning the less fortunate and vulnerable people in the community.

Anyways, l didnt want to make you Americans feel down, l actually wanted to tell ya's all that it could be worse.... you could have a President by the name of Ms Juliar Gillard (or as us Aussies cal her "juLIAR") Not only are they running Australia backwards, they introduced a new tax in July 1st 2012.. it was called the Mining Resources Rent Tax or the MRRT..... well this wonderful new tax has been in for 3 months (1 full quarter) and it has earned exactly ZERO revenue .. wooohoooo !!! with taxes like that we will pay out our national debt "NEVER" hey l shouldn't laugh, but if you guys were up to speed with our Gillard/Swan Labor Government you would understand why l laugh. They are the worst Government in our history and the blunders, cover ups, lies, back flips, policy failures and stuff ups is endless.

Anyways if you ever planning on coming to Australia for holiday, be sure to come when the current government has been removed (and not before) and whilst in Australia feel free to check out my Aunt and Uncles property which is currently for sale, you can see it on the website and if you like the property tell them that "Pete" sent you and maybe you will get a better price, ohh and if you did buy the place and wanted some fencing done on the property you could give my mate Mick O'Shea a call and get a free quote for fencing, or check Micks website for further inforation and contact details.

Ok all the best to all you Americans and everyone else reading this reply, surely things will get better for us all with a bit of time, cheers from Pete (and yeah l will throw another shrimp on the Barby)

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