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More Believe In Space Aliens Than In God According To U.K. Survey.

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posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by justwokeup
Its not clear whether it was random sampling of the thousand people or whether it was a sample of people somehow already interested in the XCOM game. Self selecting surveys are worthless.

That said I would be overjoyed if it were true, it would be a sign of progress.

Its a generational issue. Without strong and sustained indoctrination god belief will inevitably fade. Its a positive thing.

On the other side, the more evidence we get of the universe the more improbable it seems we are all there ever has been.

I don't think that you are even aware that the media is the single biggest and most powerful pulpit in the world. Hitler changed the ideology of an entire country through b&w film, controlled newspapers, free radios and youth indoctrination. It's today's Hollywood. Jesus said that what was will be again, and just as the "leaders and teachers" swayed the crowds to want to release the murderer and insurrectionist instead of the Son of God, today's generation has no understanding that they've been swayed to do the same. The biggest pulpit in the world preaching it's evolution, revolution, anti-Christ, extraterrestrial agenda.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 06:27 PM
If they asked only 1,359 adults then how do they get that 33 million number..

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by MrUncreated
It's difficult to believe there's a god, when the world is in the state it's in. That's my personal feeling about it.

If there is a God then why should he clean up our messes for? We're not little kids, We know right from wrong.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 06:32 PM
If there is God he is alien by definition - another dimension, place, universe or planet makes him so. Idk why is the separation of opinion but that's what religion is about - taking all literally, not being able to think what it really means. Like ever heard of metaphors or limited dictionary to explain the unexplainable...

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Ancient Champion

Originally posted by MrUncreated
It's difficult to believe there's a god, when the world is in the state it's in. That's my personal feeling about it.

If there is a God then why should he clean up our messes for? We're not little kids, We know right from wrong.

Give me a break. "We" didn't create the mess. I did not personally create the mess. You did not personally create the mess. People here on ATS did not create the mess.

I have only just begun to awaken to the truth of what's going on. The world is royally @&#!ed. But put the blame where it belongs. On the ones who planned and orchestrated Human Farming. They should be held accountable. God said vengeance is his, but where is he?

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 07:04 PM
The beliefs in God and extraterrestrials don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. I personally believe in both.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Ancient Champion
If they asked only 1,359 adults then how do they get that 33 million number..

Because that's the way opinion polls work. Gallup, Harris, ABC News Poll, CNN POLL -- they all only take a sample of 2,000 or so people, then extrapolate from that.

If you live in the U.S., then you have lately seen polls that say "(Candidate A) leads (Candidate B) by so-and-so points", or "47% of Americans approve of the Presidents policy on (whatever)". Well those polls that are supposedly telling us what America is saying is sometimes a result of sampling 2,000 or fewer people.

edit on 10/22/2012 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 07:32 PM
I believe in both and it's not good that society is losing their faith in God. I never thought I'd see the day that more people believed in E.T.'s than God. There's an abundance of evidence that extraterrestrial life exist and the Bible speaks about these extraterrestrials. If you take the Bible for it's original meanings and translate it back to the Hebrew form you'll see clearly that these beings are discussed in the books of Ezekiel, Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and especially the book of Enoch, which was removed from the Bible in an attempt to keep Christians and humanity in general from knowing of their existence. It worked for the most part.....until now. Now we are a more educated bunch with access to information like never before and it's getting harder for the elites of the world to keep us in everlasting ignorance. Only time will tell. The only thing we are sure is real is our past. The future is anyone's guess and 200 years ago not many would have guessed we'd be where we are now. In fact most would have deemed our technological success impossible.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 04:32 AM


posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

Originally posted by justwokeup
Its not clear whether it was random sampling of the thousand people or whether it was a sample of people somehow already interested in the XCOM game. Self selecting surveys are worthless.

That said I would be overjoyed if it were true, it would be a sign of progress.

Its a generational issue. Without strong and sustained indoctrination god belief will inevitably fade. Its a positive thing.

On the other side, the more evidence we get of the universe the more improbable it seems we are all there ever has been.

I don't think that you are even aware that the media is the single biggest and most powerful pulpit in the world. Hitler changed the ideology of an entire country through b&w film, controlled newspapers, free radios and youth indoctrination. It's today's Hollywood. Jesus said that what was will be again, and just as the "leaders and teachers" swayed the crowds to want to release the murderer and insurrectionist instead of the Son of God, today's generation has no understanding that they've been swayed to do the same. The biggest pulpit in the world preaching it's evolution, revolution, anti-Christ, extraterrestrial agenda.

I see where you are coming from, I don't agree though.

While recognising the power of media to propagandise, the fall of christian belief in the UK isn't due to hollywood.

Its due to a generational shift where we don't aggressively indoctrinate our young with it anymore.

Religion only survives when:

a) Its browbeaten into the young minds by their elders, while they are still too impressionable to resist.
b) Its a club necessary to join for social advancement in the society in question (whether the person truly believes in it privately or not).

When left to be judged on its own merits by young adults or adults it usually falls well short.

If it was an evil plot emanating from Hollywood the USA would be the less religious whereas it still remains a bastion of old time bible thumping. To an extent many in Britain would feel embarrassing, or even scary.

We don't discriminate against religion, we just don't discriminate for it any more. Thats a good thing.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by justwokeup
...We don't discriminate against religion, we just don't discriminate for it any more. Thats a good thing.

Yes. But there are still some people who see social "neutrality" regarding organized religion as be against organized religion...

...It's the "You are either for us or against us" mentality.

Personally, I am non-religious (NOT to be confuse with "anti-religion"), but I sometimes ponder the philosophical notion that there could possibly be some sort of creator of the universe (not necessarily the Judeo/Christian/Muslim ideal of "God"). I neither believe nor disbelieve in God -- I'm basically a Pascal's Wager kind of guy.

I don't necessarily have a problem with people who are active in an organized religion; they can believe what they want. I certainly don't look down on people who have a belief in God. I say "good for them" if that's what they choose to believe.

However, I do have a problem with religious extremism, and people who feel that their religion is the "only way". That extremism is a totally destructive force, and has been a major problem in the world throughout much of human civilization (The Crusades, Jihads, the Talmudic "milhemet mitzvah" or "milhemet hovah", etc.).

I think too many wars fought in the name of religion has resulted in our civilization's growth being stagnated over the past few thousand years.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by karl 12

Hey karl 12,

You know the only thing that keeps us on these forums? These creatures desired secrecy. They happened to be so advanced and different that they couldn't interact with our world virtually in our consciousness. But they did show us themselves at the same time, that is why these beings are in common with our most valid questions. It is like a magician knowing real magic and not telling anyone because he understands they won't believe the words (or should I say worlds), only the magic.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by karl 12
I suppose you can 'beleive' in either and you don't necessarily have to subscribe to a religious cult (or sect) to accept the notion of some kind of supreme being but there's a relevant survey below taken recently in the UK which seems to show more folks now 'believe in space aliens than in god'.

Granted you always have to be a bit sceptical of 'surveys' but I thought it made some interesting points, especially when it states that over half those interviewed believe UFO evidence has been covered up by the government and 1 in 10 had witnessed an 'unidentified flying object'.

You do have to subscribe to a religious cult (or sect) to believe in anything other than humans. When you are born your mind is a blank slate holding no beliefs. As you grow up, especially in a religious environment, your fertile mind is filled with religious talk and your parents may force you to attend church, or tell you that your dead relatives are with jesus, never with satan!, so if there wasn't any mental conditioning you wouldn't develop any acceptance of mythical beings.

So such surveys are useless 'cause those surveryed are just switching channels, if you will, from one myth to another. Surveys rarely ask questions whose answers are not preferred.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 10:43 PM
Indeed why not. The word GOD has been created, re-illiterated, and misunderstood since time immemorial. Thus billions of men nowadays see that word as divine, magical, anything beyond anyone's capabilities nonetheless equalizing it to whatever or whoever is unknown to men. Since the existence of space aliens have been continuously fed by countless tons of sightings and evidences, no one can blame anyone if they'll believe more to what they see rather than vaguely entertain the unknown of the unknown of the word GOD.

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