posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:27 AM
"The 2012 presidential election is still more than two weeks away, but on Friday a CBS News affiliate in Arizona called the race for President Barack
For 17 seconds, Phoenix, Arizona CBS News affiliate KPHO ran a lower third graphic that showed that Obama had won the Nov. 6 election over Gov. Mitt
Romney with 99% of the precincts reporting. The lower third graphic appeared around 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 19, during an episode of “The People’s
The CBS News graphic showed Obama winning the election with 43 percent of the vote nationwide to Romney’s 40 percent -– or 40,237,966 votes to
38,116,216. It is unclear who garnered the other 17 percent in the fictional election results."
WOW, I did not personally see it, but if you are to believe this footage, this is INCREDIBLE. It all started and they are "hinting/disclosing" the
results they WILL manufacture. AHAHA 43%vs40% sounds very "believable". They sure do think we are FOOLS, and perhaps we are because just watch it go
as planned. Sad.