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EXACT location of Patterson-Gimlin Film?

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posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:47 AM
This will be straight to the point. Does anyone know exactly where the Patterson-Gimlin Film was shot. (This is the most famous film of "Bigfoot" if you somehow haven't heard) If you know EXACTLY where it was shot then please let me know. Mark it on a zoomed in Google Maps picture if you're able to so there isn't any confusion. I have a pretty good idea where it must be, but not the EXACT spot. If you do have the answer, include anything to back it up if you can. Thanks! I'll be anxiously waiting any information.

I assume it must be very close to, maybe even within, the area seen in this photo:

Spot on Google Maps:
edit on 22-10-2012 by SeriousIndividual because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 05:34 AM
The exact location has been debated over and over since '71. This team seems to have the latest and most accurate information based on extensive mapping and surveying from Nov 2011.

The image is from their blog, representations of their initial plotting, coordinates are in the map. I didn't take the time to read over every report, but imo this team's evidence seems to be the most accurate and up to date.

After four years of investigation, two seasons of serious on-site research and filming, having looked into this mystery of geography and history since 2001, I am very, very convinced that we have finally found and documented the site of the filming of the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film in Bluff Creek.

Their channel HERE contains their research videos and documentaries.

edit on 22-10-2012 by Lonewulph because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Lonewulph

That's very helpful, thanks.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 10:42 PM
From what I have seen and read, the exact location has been known to various investigators basically since the encounter occurred. For a good visual of the spot, the episode of Finding Bigfoot where the team rode on horseback with Bob Gimlin to the site to do a recreation will tell you what it looks like now.

The reason the large sandbar was present in the video is because there was a large flood not long before it was shot, depositing sand and changing the landscape a bit. Today it is much more grown up, but it is still relatively obvious from that episode of the show I mentioned that it is the same spot. It is supposedly not all that easy to get to, and seeing as how they rode horses there, I do not know if it is accessible by vehicle.

I know part of the way can be reached on a good trail, but there are some spots it seemed like you could only get there on foot. I do not personally know since I've never been there, but I would really advise you to find that episode of the show, and watch the part where they talk about this spot, and actually trek there.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 11:13 PM
I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I want to say there was an episode on monsterquest (one of a dozen or so on bigfoot, ha!) where they went to the site and a computer photo/graphic annalist sized up the trees to get the height and length of steps the figure made.

This may have been another program (likely on History channel, ha! again), but I believe I remember something to this effect.

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus

The reason the large sandbar was present in the video is because there was a large flood not long before it was shot, depositing sand and changing the landscape a bit. Today it is much more grown up, but it is still relatively obvious from that episode of the show I mentioned that it is the same spot. It is supposedly not all that easy to get to, and seeing as how they rode horses there, I do not know if it is accessible by vehicle.

I know part of the way can be reached on a good trail, but there are some spots it seemed like you could only get there on foot. I do not personally know since I've never been there, but I would really advise you to find that episode of the show, and watch the part where they talk about this spot, and actually trek there.

This is correct also and in the links I provided. If I remember correctly I think it was the Bluff Creek Trail that runs just west of the location, you can make it out on Google Earth, it's on foot or horse after that, like you said it wont look the same having 'grown in' much more since the flood.

At the end of that trip, however, Gimlin turned to James Fay and said, "This is the spot, Bobo. This is where we first saw her." He had recognized the canyon walls, and settled in his mind that he was in the right spot. Still, no one could agree; and at that point no one could walk up and touch the true "Big Tree" of the film. Well, finally, we have.

Exciting stuff

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