posted on Oct, 19 2012 @ 05:52 PM
I came here and, in time, will share a groundbreaking theory that most will deny. I'll just introduce myself though, for now. I have had a terrible
high school experience. Despite being a good student, I didn't amount to anything yet. After being fed lies about my future and being picked on by
the other students, I had enough. I didn't go to prom(I asked, but no one wanted to be my prom date). It didn't matter that I was smarter and better
looking. My distinct personality was disliked by others and people always seemed to be following something. I tried way too hard to be a follower and
be like everyone else, but realized that I was not one of those people. I studied and always liked learning, but the bad memories from high school was
destroying my confidence. I studied, and surfed the web. I started coming across so much information. I realized there were solutions to problems we
currently face that are left alone and not employed. School was terrible and I was always that lonely loser. I was born alone and I know I'll die
alone. The best time in my life was in elementary school. Since middle school, it all went downhill from there. I waste a lot of time. I can't add
more because I have stuff to do that can't wait. I guess I'll add more later.