posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 11:42 AM
On August 12th 2008, Stan Storimans was killed in the city of Gori, Georgia, by an orchestrated false-flag prepared under request from the EU secret
services. Georgian troops fired a soviet-era rocket against the TV building where Storimans and a few other journalists were setting up a series of TV
interviews with local people in the city of Gori.
Since the city was liberated by the russians on August 11, the presence of Storimans and the other journalists would have revealed details about the
russian occupation that contrasted with western mainstream media expectations.
Pro-western forces under Saakashvili's command collapsed in a few days and celebrative TV interviews regarding the liberation of the city from the
fascists would have been terrible for the EU!
edit on 14-10-2016 by Flanker86 because: typo