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The Meaning of SEX

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posted on May, 6 2003 @ 09:55 PM
Advisor- Humanity is everything that is good and evil mixed together with a world that allows them to do anything they please. Humanity is no longer a place of Honor, Dignity and Truth.

Humanity is based in a Battle Field called Earth, a Realm which makes no sense to the truly smart, Satans Playground.

How can a human make sense of the insanity we call life, we can't, we won't, we don't.

The only thing that is insured in life is that we will all die, we never will experience what our true potential will be and that the only happiness we have we will lose at one point.

posted on May, 6 2003 @ 10:05 PM
SEX..... the greatest Gift from God to man. Some say it was the orginal sin. If that's the case then thank God for that tree.(excuse the pun

posted on May, 6 2003 @ 11:08 PM
HKoT (Freemason, Hammerite, et al), if you can read this... I have no clue what your proble mwtih sex and the female of the species is, but in case you havent figured it you, that kind of attitude does not lend itself to getting you laid very often.

If enjoying sex makes you immoral, I am one immoral bastard, I'll say that.

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 12:37 AM
and so am i........and i am gonna keep it that way

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 01:04 AM
Holy Wallaby Wankers Batman!

Oz, your avatar does seem to capture the australian image of sex,


posted on May, 7 2003 @ 01:36 AM
damn, missed this one - too busy shagging....

sex is great so long as both partners have respect for each other, and that includes one nighters and shag buddies as well as relationships


posted on May, 7 2003 @ 07:01 AM

Sex only has meaning insofar as we experience it. The meaning is "emergent", not objective. We discover the meaning of sex each time we are sexual, ie that it only resides in our experience. The meaning of sex change and is reinvented each time we do sex..............Most people need sex to have meaning because the alternative is too frightening, effectively, sex without meaning would require participants to float freely in sexual experience...............This is scary because of our indoctrination that sex is bad. We learn that we need protection from our sexuality: its cacophony of impulses and feelings and its transcendent possibility of taking us away from ourselfes............ We might not, after all..........
"Sex" is not limited to intercourse. In reality, "sex" describes a huge range of activities. Sex has whatever meaning we experience moment by moment and the scope of activities that can properly be named sexual is very vast..............People who believe they know the objective meaning of sex can easily say what sex is and what it isn't.That's one reason such people can be so self-righteous about what humans should and should not do sexually.
Let's stay on the subject......... "Intimacy," for example, is a common rallying point for people who need sex to have Meaning. "Intimacy" (which mean radically different things to different people............) This must be true in regard of the particular meaning people decide sex really have. In this sense, Christians and other sex-negative institutions are not the only source of sexual repression in our culture. Rigidity about sexual experience, meaning, and decision-making is in fact the true factor............
With the perspective that sex has only emergent meaning, we can experience a huge range of sexual feelings. Much are either invisible, or worse, repugnant....... Sexuality has a dark side........... The fact that sex has no intrinsical meaning is, actually, it's ultimate positive quality!!!! It gives us the opportunity to discover an infinite number of meanings in sex, and to play with sex.
But the fact that sex has no meaning is very scary. It means you have to take responsibility for your choices and experiences. Sex lack of meaning is also scary because it means partners are not subject to our control. It means we have no authority to tell a partner, "you're obviously wrong for what you like or do sexually, so you should want what I want Sex having no meaning requires that we trust ourselves when doing sex. It is making choices from a vast amount of options. Then will we make good choices? Will we be attracted to activities that good people are not? Will our choices hurt our families?
I think we have to trust sex. Will it take us so far out that we can't come back? It takes courage............ And we have to trust our partner. Can he handle whatever we create sexually? Can he go to new sexual pleasure with me as we invent them? In reality, sex is almost always an experience of oscillation: of partners being alone and then finding each other, again and again...........
Many troubling behaviors reflect how badly people wish sex to have meaning. To sustain the illusion that it does, for example, society is willing to persecute some members through "consensual sexual behavior" or preventing sex education at school.........In this sense, the desire for sex to have meaning makes society a theocracy, with the government theorganized religion, and medias a kind priesthood...........
To conclude :
It is meaningless in the philosophic sense. But it is meaningful on the personal, experiential level. One reason that people engage in sex is to be periodically nourished in their experience of whatever kind of meaning they expect whether that meaning involves intimacy, closeness, pleasure, creativity! The desire to pretend that sex has meaning is understandable. It indicates a desire to be grounded, to depend on something, for constructing a mature universe. So we need to deal with this fear by confronting it: by looking sex "straight in the eye", and trusting sex and ourselves, knowing that the worst thing that can happen is merely that we'll have an experience we don't want to repeat........... Simply because one can't learn to walk without falling a few times.........

[Edited on 7-5-2003 by VzH]

[Edited on 7-5-2003 by VzH]

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 01:44 PM
Loooooooooooong, but it has meaning.

Sex lies in four Realms, everything else is just detail.

Chemical, Pleasure, Procreation, and Forced Sex.

[Edited on 5/7/2003 by FoxStriker]

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 02:05 PM
well i can almost agree with you there 'fox', the first 3 anyway, but the last one 'forced sex' ? dont know about that one! there's more than 1 kind of forced sex!!!!!!!!


[Edited on 7-5-2003 by blackwidow666]

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 02:12 PM
Well if your forced into having sex, you wont enjoy it (maybe you will, who knows)=Pleasure, Wont be for procreation (who wants to have a child of a rapist), it cant be for chemical, nothing biologicly drove you to being forced into having sex, So Forced Sex needs its own category. In my opinion.


posted on May, 7 2003 @ 03:57 PM

You are wholly liable and solely responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise from reading the content of my precedent post !!!

Furthermore, neither ATS nor its affiliates will be held responsible for any sexual consequences that may arise as a result of the reading........

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 08:39 PM

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 09:04 PM
Earlier someone was given a warning for using the word sex, so I just wanted to show this post to everyone. Not only does it use sex but it talks about and describes it. A lot of the culprits are moderators as well. My question is "What day did sex become a bad word?"
I think I missed it.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 12:17 AM
I noticed.

It may have to do with recent anti-sodomy legislation battles, due to the particular variant that caused the moderation earlier.

Jesus Christ that is cryptic reading it months later while reviewing as many of magestica's needs and fantasies as I ought to.

What I meant was this - ex-member kitty had talked about her disposition towards anal sex. That reference was deleted from one of her posts by a Moderator.

[Edited on 7-2-2004 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 01:27 AM
I was a sex driven kinda person. When I was young "Sex" comes before everything. But as I got older, I come to realize that sex is not the only thing.
There is something missing....and it's call "Love".
So my 2 cents states sex in my younger years are for pleasures and gradually transform to "Love Making".

"Sex" no longer existed in my dictionary.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 01:31 AM
Ahh, DF, you are just a kid compared to my age. Go hunt down LG!

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Freddie
Ahh, DF, you are just a kid compared to my age. Go hunt down LG!

lol @ Fred, I thought I was older than you.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 01:38 AM
I am 31, you are in your mid to upper 20's. LG is in her mid to younger 20's. Show her a good time.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Freddie
I am 31, you are in your mid to upper 20's. LG is in her mid to younger 20's. Show her a good time.

Dude, I'm 34, I aint getting any younger.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 01:46 AM
Alright, I will buy you a walker or a cane, which would you prefer? Have you ever thought of leaving HK?

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