posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:12 PM
Just because your paranoid doesnt mean they aren't after you
PROPARANOID? What does it mean?
1) paranoid ~ a medical term applied to someone who mistakenly fears being persecuted by others... followed, spied upon, stalked, threatened, etc.
2) opposite of paranoid ~ sorry, there is no medical term in the English language for someone properly reacting to ACTUAL persecution. Some say
'cautious' is the word, but ONLY the victim seems to use that word, usually in self defense against suggestions of being paranoid. Why? Our
civilization, certainly as exemplified by professionals within law enforcement, the courts, and medical institutions, simply does not want to believe
in conspiracy or bogeymen. If you ask for help, you are simply dismissed as being paranoid, even if you have proof to the contrary -- they don't want
to hear it, and the victim is victimized a second time in a whole new way.
On the other hand... metanoia is an illness defined as 'the belief that everyone is good/benign and the world/universe only wants to help you'
regardless of the reality. This is the TRUE opposite of paranoia but represents an inverse illness. Excuse me for saying it, but this would seem to be
the state of mind of all law enforcement, media, and medical professionals: thus by their behavior, it is THEY who are mentally ill!
3) proparanoid~ someone who wishes to aid and support those accused of being paranoid, especially when help has been denied elsewhere; a concatenation
of 'professional paranoid' -- see next. See also HOW TO GET HELP
4) Professional Paranoid ~ title of a how-to book on personal safety and privacy by H. Michael Sweeney ~ The Professional Paranoid: How to Fight Back
When Investigated, Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted by Any Agency, Organization, or Individual