posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 11:11 AM
Very few adults learn the lessen the first time around. It must be repeated until the individual can get his head around it, see the message clearly
and how it relates to the bigger picture. My experience, while teaching adults showed that five reviews of the same thing, is what it took to get the
point across. It is not that adults are stupid but rather their ability to learn is far inferior to children and inversely proportional to their age.
Most lessens in life simply go over our heads because we lack the consciousness development to appreciate what is going down. Whatever we can fathom,
incorporate into our being and use to further grow, takes about 20,000 years in 3D; that's a lot of lives. The mission for everybody is the same;
grow your aura or,if you wish, raise your frequency; help others as part of your routine life and finally create love, in families, community groups
and of course, the work place. When our bodies won't work anymore, we get a time out to review all of our past lives and get to decide, completely
without fear being allowed to enter, what we want to do next. To be sure we will be back in 3D because that is where the newly sentient souls and the
recalcitrant souls, learn the basics before moving on to 4D. You can always tell souls that are about to move to 4D because there is a white halo
around their head. The halo is caused by neutrons being given off as light energy but that's another story. We are given all the tools we need and
are protected and nurtured, all through our climb up the consciousness ladder. All is well and always will be. Peace is our normal state.