posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 10:45 AM
I made a booboo and posted this in intro, was politely told, so I made my bones and get to re-post it, I hope I am doing this right this time and
placing it in the right forum, if not I'm certain I will hear from someone.
It occurs to me when viewing the forums and topics that there are certain areas that get more attention then others. I, also, believe that everyone
that does post wants attention including me. But, I really want to know what motivates you to read a post and respond. I mean I have seen some post
that have a ridiculous amount of responses with stars and flags out the wazoo and ask myself, why? Then I have seen posts that I thought deserved much
more response with nothing.
So, I ask you " What Gets Your Goat, What Floats Your Boat"? Same question just reversed order.
Enlighten me, Please.